Wayward Pines
Season 1 Episode 9: “A Reckoning”
Directed by Nimród Antal
Written by The Duffer Brothers
Created by Chad Hodge
Starring Matt Dillion, Carla Gugino, Toby Jones, Shannyn Sossamon, Melissa Leo, Hope Davis, Reed Diamond, Charlie Tahan
Air Date: Thursday, July 16th, 2015, 9:00pm
With a plot to take down the electrified fence in full effect, Ethan Burke (Matt Dillon) is dead set to stop it. Burke is sheriff, but more, he knows the full truth about Wayward Pines – it is the last vestige of civilization in a distant future, surrounded by the mutated remains of what used to be humanity. Unfortunately, the people closest to him, his wife Theresa (Shannyn Sossamon) and his former partner/love interest Kate (Carla Gugino), think he’s gone insane or was brainwashed by Wayward Pines founder, David Pilcher (Toby Jones). When his son Ben (Charlie Tahan) gets caught in the crossfire, Ethan’s loyalties are pushed to the brink.
This episode asks you to choose a side. Is it better to conceal the truth to protect everyone, or reveal a dark truth unaware of what possibilities that may unleash? Pilcher desperately wants to hide the truth from the Pines community. The first group he told the truth to couldn’t handle it, and all perished, either by suicide or insanity-driven madness. He’s convinced that reckonings for rebel rousers, and punishments, are the way to go to keep everyone safe. Burke thinks the people have the right to know. We see Pilcher losing it more and more. Last episode, he had one of his employees killed in sight of everyone else. Now he wants Kate reckoned before the whole town. He’s actually scaring his own sister, Pam (Melissa Leo). Pam looked like an unflinching evil character, and now seems frightened at what her brother may do. Jones gives off a Nero vibe… as in he may burn Wayward Pines to watch it burn, only to rebuild it after.
Pam is so unnerved, that she nudges Theresa towards plot 33 where she discovers tunnels that show outside the fence. Soon, Kate and Ethan are down there. That brings me to this question… we are constantly shown the expanse of the surveillance system within the Pines. Pilcher designed every inch of this “ark.” How do so many people remove their chips and disappear to start revolutions, without ANYONE noticing? He has employees doing 24/7 watches on homes, businesses, and streets; so how doesn’t anyone notice Theresa vanish beneath plot 33? Sure, they can probably square that away by revealing that others are shady of Pilcher’s motives and actions.
Ethan makes a deal with Pilcher to indeed reckon (kill in public) Kate. This, according to Pilcher, will quiet the town down after multiple terrorist attacks and secret plots. It will also establish Ethan as a scary Pope-esque sheriff who is not to be messed with. Burke turns the tides though, and in front of everyone blows Pilcher’s spot. In one of my favorite moments, Mrs. Fisher (Hope Davis) tries to intervene and is SMACKED down by Theresa. That was like Mrs. Weasley telling Bellatrix to “Stay away from her you BITCH!”
Wayward Pines makes you scratch your head a lot, but also has you on the edge of your seat wondering what’s next. With the finale coming, I still have no clue what’s in store. Will the Abbys breach the fence? I thought that was the direction they were taking, but Ethan “squashed” that quickly. They’ve apparently tied up loose ends in effort to prove they really are in 4028, but I have lingering doubts. The show has been so mind-bending, that I’d be shocked if the truth they revealed in episode 5 really was the actual truth. I guess THAT would actually be a refreshing twist in modern television… after all I’m still waiting for someone to answer a single LOST question.
Wayward Pines season finale is Thursday night, July 23rd at 9:00pm ET on FOX.
FOX’s synopsis:
THU JUL 16 9/8c
After Harold attempts to break past the fence surrounding Wayward Pines, Ethan interrogates him about other insurgents who have gone off the grid. Meanwhile, Amy’s (guest star Sarah Jeffery) health takes a turn for the worse, Nurse Pam encourages Theresa to investigate Plot 33, Ben’s teacher, Megan Fisher (guest star Hope Davis), advises Ben to speak publicly about the current events effecting Wayward Pines and Ethan reveals the truth about the town to the residents in the all-new “A Reckoning” episode of WAYWARD PINES airing Thursday, July 16 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Image Gallery
WAYWARD PINES | Ethan Takes A Stand from “A Reckoning” | FOX
Ethan’s attempt to reveal the truth falls on deaf ears.
WAYWARD PINES | You Are A Leader Now from “A Reckoning” | FOX
Ben has difficulty believing what he’s being told.
WAYWARD PINES | An Abbie’s Cry from “A Reckoning” | FOX
One of the aberrations cries for help.
WAYWARD PINES | The Rules from “A Reckoning” | FOX
Ethan Burke takes the rules of Wayward Pines very seriously.
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