In the upcoming Season 2 of The Flash, the lead villain will be Zoom, a masked “speed demon” and the voice behind the man in the mask will be none other than Tony Todd, according to Variety.
Todd is a menacing human being in stature alone. The man is a hulking 6’5″, but it’s not his frame that’s his most terrifying feature. Anyone who has seen Candyman (1992) or the films of The Final Destination franchise knows, the man has maybe the scariest voice in the world. Seriously, when I met him at a horror convention he called a friend of mine “Helen” (Virginia Madsen’s character in Candyman) and I freaked out!
Executive Producer of The Flash, Andrew Kreisberg told Variety, “we wanted something like James Earl Jones and Darth Vader – this iconic voice coming out of the mask.” Who better then than Todd. He was the voice of Death itself in The Final Destination films. Zoom will be similar to Harrison Wells (Season 1’s villain) in that he is driven by personal motives without caring who get hurts along the way. As to who is under the Zoom mask, well fans may have to wait the entire season. Kreisberg described Zoom like a horror movie villain, where we crave to see who or what is under the mask. Zoom’s presence in the DC TV universe was made known during the DC Comic Con panel.
Season 2 of The CW’s Flash premieres on Tuesday, October 6th at 8pm on the CW. This season will be huge for the show as there will more crossovers with Arrow (premiering the following night), as well as Legends of Tomorrow, which debut during the midseason hiatus. New characters will also be joining the DC universe including Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Legends big bad Vandal Savage (Casper Crump). Todd will step into The Flash starring in Episode 2, “Flash of Two Worlds.”
[Source: Variety]
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