The Strain
Season 2 Episode 10: “The Assassin”
Directed by Phil Abraham
Written by Liz Phang
Created by Chuck Hogan, Guillermo del Toro
Starring Corey Stoll, David Bradley, Mia Maestro, Kevin Durand, Richard Sammel, Jonathan Hyde, Miguel Gomez, Natalie Brown, Ruta Gedmintas, Jack Kesy, Ben Hyland, Lizzie Brocheré, JoaquÃn Cosio, Rupert Penry-Jones
Air Date: Sunday September 13th, 2015, 10pm
Last week on The Strain, the vamps have gotten into Red Hook via naive boat captain. It looks like the end for the councilwoman and pretty much everyone, but they have the motley heroes on their side. Nora (Mia Maestro) and Fet (Kevin Durand) go try to restore the UV power, but newly madeover Kelly Goodweather (Natalie Brown) follow them because they have Zach. Eph (Corey Stoll) and Dutch (Ruta Gedmintas) take up arms (seperately). Nikki ends up saving Dutch’s life, and for that sweet Fet is grateful. In a last hope rallying cry, Justine urges the people of Red Hook to take up arms, and it’s a victory for the neighborhood (even though if Nora and Fet did not get the power back on, it would have been a different story). Setrakian (David Bradley) takes off after Eichorst (Richard Sammel), with Eph on his heels. I honestly can’t believe Setrakian has not given up by now, because he never wins.
The Strain 2.10 “The Assassin” review: Justine told the rich people of the Upper East Side that they must give 1% of their property value in order for her to continue cleaning the area. They are improperly outraged, along with the crooked mayor.
Palmer (Jonathan Hyde) went to a less than tasteful neighborhood, to declare his love for Coco (Lizzie Brocheré). I swear he definitely signed her death warrant. And then…
Setrakian, Fet, and Nora are going on a search for the Lumen. This book better be worth this risk. Nora and Fet have to book to run a rescue errand. Setrakian is pretty self-sufficient and single-minded. Much like the entire season, he achieves brief success, only for it to be snatched away again. I told you he never wins.
Dutch and Eph set up a sniper stakeout for Palmer. Dutch is good for that. They bond over a flask and talk of unnatural monogamy. Eph is circling the drain of morality. We soon know the shot misses its mark, and they are caught. Dutch is taken away (oh god – not good), and I’m looking forward to a heroic rescue by Fet. He is the obvious choice for her, even if she is still confused. Palmer comes to visit Eph in jail, and speaks of evolution. I believe him though. I can’t see how the humans are going to get out of this. Good jab by Eph about the “partnership” between Palmer and The Master. I’m just surprised Palmer has not figured that out by now. There is a scene of tongues and cages, that is not as sexy as that sounds. In fact, it is a heart attack moment.
No Quinlan (Rupert Penry-Jones) this episode which is disappointing. I’m looking forward to see how he really plays out this season. And an all too brief appearance by The Master accentuates how much I do miss Jack Kesy.
Things look ominous for Dutch. Remember Eichorst’s secret room with the chain? I’m afraid for her. Hurry up Fet!
A lot of action this episode, that had me impatient during the commercials. I do think the city should be shut down at night. The guy holding a big stick pushing past Setrakian, okay, but there’s still too much traffic at night. Everything and everyone should have a curfew, even the police station.
So I think I get The Strain worm rules now. Worms = strigoi, but worm juice = immortality, and The Master can control how much conscious mind one of his species has.
The Strain airs Sunday nights at 10pm ET on FX.
Image Gallery
The Strain – Next On: The Assassin
Eph and Dutch work together to thwart the Master’s greatest ally. Justine runs into trouble with the Mayor while Setrakian tracks down the real owner of the Lumen.
The Strain – Vampire Party: Episode 10
Now this is how you crash a vampire party. Watch this SELECTED SCENE from Season 2, Episode 10 of The Strain.
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