A gameplay walkthrough video has been released for WiLD, the next game from developer Wild Sheep and creative director Michel Ancel, creator of the Rayman series and the director behind the remarkable Beyond Good & Evil. The game is a primitive survival adventure game about the relationship between man and nature, and it looks stunning.
The gameplay walkthrough focuses on the beautiful and massive open world wilderness you’ll explore, the character you’ll play as, and the various animals you’ll interact with. Click on over to the other side to check it out.
Use your instincts and intuition to thrive in an incredibly hostile environment. Learn how to control living creatures, and venture into your friends’ game worlds to help them survive.
Experiment with your surroundings in your quest for survival – a simple plant could just as easily save your life”¦ or bring about a swift death.
Also included below is the announcement trailer for WiLD if you haven’t seen it yet.
No release date for the game has been announced yet.
If you pay close attention to video games, you’ve probably noticed a bit of a trend going on. In addition to WiLD, the next Far Cry game was recently announced as Far Cry Primal, and the next game from Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, Horizon: Zero Dawn, also has a primitive sort of setting…though that game is set far in the future after humanity went through a reboot.
[Source: PlayStation]
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