Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is one of the most divisive comic book films of the past decade. Traditionalists believe that director Zack Snyder has no understanding of Superman, while apologists have no trouble working overtime explaining that the new direction is great for the character. Most would agree that Ben Affleck was a fine Batman, but a lot of the issues are centered on the Man of Steel himself. The film has also been criticized for being overly dark and mopey.
Now it is being revealed that Snyder had actually cut out one scene from the film for being too dark. As if that could actually happen. But when you hear what scene he cut out, you may or may not agree with the decision. Check out what he had to say here below.
In an interview with IGN, Snyder said the one scene he cut out involved Superman trying to listen for his mother, who is being held captive by Lex Luthor.
We had a scene that we cut from the movie where he tries to look for her when he finds out that Lex has got her. It was a slightly dark scene that we cut out because it sort of represented this dark side. Because when he was looking for his mom he heard all the cries of all the potential crimes going on in the city, you know when you look.
That is a bit dreary and dark if you think about it. But it is something that we have seen in past films. It’s a Superman we are familiar with. Then the director goes on to explain how Superman is able to find his mom:
I kind of like the idea that he’s taught himself not to look because if he looks it’s just neverending, right? You have to know when, as Superman, when to intervene and when not to. Or not when not to, you can’t be everywhere at once, literally you can’t be everywhere at once, so he has to be really selective in a weird way about where he chooses to interfere.
Well, that just goes to show that Snyder has no understanding of Superman and what he stands for. Superman fans know that the hero has always had to struggle with the idea of being unable to save people because he is overwhelmed with the amount of crime he is hearing. But Snyder saying that Superman willfully mutes the screams of those victims or filters them out so that he can only hear his mom makes the Man of Steel in the DCEU seem cold and selfish. So if he did something right, it was cutting out that scene.
Who knows, maybe we will get to see the scene in the three-hour Ultimate Edition that is set to come out later this year.
Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice is out in theaters now.
[Source: IGN]
“Most would agree that Ben Affleck was a fine Batman”. No he wasn’t.
Comment by dboz555 — April 9, 2016 @ 5:55 pm
I still haven’t seen it but I can say I’m unimpressed w/ all I’ve heard.
Comment by UNCARING1 — April 10, 2016 @ 1:24 pm