Fans of the animated favorite Bob’s Burgers who aren’t already aware will likely be shocked to discover that the show was actually originally about a family of cannibals who use human flesh to make their burgers, inspired by things like Sweeney Todd.
The YouTube channel Court of Source, who told us how Rick and Morty came to exist, has the story for you, and you can check out the video below.
At first I thought there was no way in hell this was actually true—it just seemed too crazy as a longtime fan of Bob’s Burgers. But, as it turns out, it’s definitely true.
Show creator Loren Bouchard did an interview with A.V. Club back in 2011, and when asked about the development cycle he said:
“The development cycle was long. But in retrospect, it was the right amount of time. It wasn’t painful. They pay you during that time, and frankly, it’s kind of a warm, cozy place. If it ends well. If it ends with you getting a pick-up, then you look back on it and it’s all roses, and you almost want it to be longer. The show that we started with is, in many ways, very much like the show now. There was a brief period when I first started talking to them””because I was coming off of doing Lucy: Daughter Of The Devil and I had this kind of more occult-y, sort of darker edge to the way I was thinking then””I did pitch the show [as] a family of cannibals who runs a restaurant. There’s sort of a Sweeney Todd aspect to it. They basically said ‘everything but the cannibalism,’ and that included the cast. We had the entire family cast, and the only tweak that we did in development is that originally, Dan Mintz was playing the oldest boy named Daniel. [The executives] were just sort of probing, and they were interested in whether the boys were differentiated enough. And we pitched the idea that what if it’s a girl, played by Dan Mintz? And they liked it. So that was the biggest change. But other than that, we had [H. Jon] Benjamin as Bob, and John Roberts as Linda, and Kristen [Schaal] with the bunny ears [as Louise].”
You’ll never look at Gene wearing that burger suit the same way again.
Another fun fact I learned about in all of this: the above-mentioned Dan Mintz actually sounds like Tina when he talks. All the time. It’s not just a voice done specifically for this show. Brainsplosion.
[Source: Court of Source]
Comment by GiGLES — June 8, 2016 @ 5:54 pm