The Magicians Season 1
Blu-ray | DVD
Directors: Mike Cahill, John Stuart Scott, Scott Smith, James L. Conway, Bill Eagles, John Scott, Guy Norman Bee, Jan Eliasberg, Joshua Butler, Amanda Tapping
Writers: Sera Gamble, John McNamara, Henry Alonso Myers, David Reed, Leah Fong
Created by Sera Gamble & John McNamara
Based on the novel by Lev Grossman
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor
Universal Studios Home Entertainment
Release Date: July 19th, 2016
The Magicians: Season One ended quite a few months ago, and while there was enough to tide you over for a little while, the magic craving has been eating away at you. Sure, The Magicians panel and the season 2 sneak peek may have soothed a little, but let’s face it… it really only whet the appetite. Well, hurt no more Brakebill fans! The Magicians: Season One Blu-ray was recently released, and has all the Penny and Eliot one needs, and so much more!
Check out all the “much more” below.
Relive the moment our favorite depressed geek Quentin (Jason Ralph) aced his surprise Brakebill’s exam, leaving crush Julia (Stella Maeve) to find her own dark path to magic.
Remember the time Penny (Arjun Gupta) went to Fillory and saw the Beast.
Be confused once again when Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Q turned into birds.
Feel Julia’s pain as she turns to darker and darker companions in an effort to scratch that magic itch.
Remember how it ended? No?
Then you need this Blu-ray.
Special Features
Disc 1 – The Magicians Season One:
Includes UltraViolet (Subject to expiration. Go to NBCUCodes.com for details.)
Deleted Scenes
Disc 2 – The Magicians Season One:
Deleted Scenes
Disc 3 – The Magicians Season One:
Deleted Scenes
Gag Reel
The World of The Magicians
The special features are pretty standard. There are no surprises in here. The deleted scenes are cool and give a little bit more, but there are no “Ah-ha!” moments resulting from them.
Gag reels are always the best part of a Blu-ray release and here it is no different. I was laughing along with their laughter. Everyone is actually funny like Eliot!
The World of The Magicians has the cast and EP Sera Gamble (of Supernatural fame) give perspectives on this wondrous grad school world of “Harry Potter and Narnia.” The most interesting part is the different camera perspectives that represent each world – Brooklyn, Brakebills, Fillory. The sets that are just gorgeous and detailed and the effects, which are made as real as possible, are fantastic and commented on.
“We’re always playing 1000 levels of pretend.”
This The Magicians: Season One Blu-ray also includes Digital HD, and is worth the binging purchase. Season 2 returns in January, 2017 on Syfy.
Based upon Lev Grossman’s best-selling books, The Magicians centers around Brakebills University, a secret institution specializing in magic. There, amidst an unorthdox education of spellcasting, a group of twenty-something friends soon discover that a magical fantasy world they read about as children is all too real”” and poses grave danger to humanity.
THE MAGICIANS | Season 1 Recap | Syfy
Everything that happened and everything you need to know. The Magicians Season 2 premieres in 2017.
THE MAGICIANS | Season 2: First Look | Syfy
Go backstage with the cast and get your first glimpse into Season 2!

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