A few months ago, in preparation for the arrival of the latest live-action version of Disney animated classic, The Jungle Book, the gang at Screen Junkies released an Honest Trailers for the 1967 original. Now, they’re back with an HT for Jon Favreau‘s live-action (but mostly CGI) version that is absolutely, without question, way, way better!
Watch the video here below.
From the often great (Iro Mman, Elf) to sometimes awful (Cowboys and Aliens) director Jon Favreau comes the best talking animal movie this year… in a year where one comes out almost every week. So after you’ve watched Disney’s live-action Cinderella, but before their live-action Pete’s Dragon and Beauty & The Beast comes a film better than the original cartoon, because it features… a plot! Part Lion King, part nature documentary, part kid-version of The Revenant“¦ (actual LOL) to that one.
Watch as Mowgli must make his way through treacherous blue screen in red underwear, all while talking to massive puppets, and grown in motion-capture suits. But there’s an amazing cast! Like Bill Murray voicing Baloo, who sings “Bear Necessities” despite not being able to sing, and Christopher Walken, who plays King Louie and sings “I Wanna Be Like You,” despite not being able to sing. And seriously why is Scarlett Johansson’s voice so damn sexy, even in snake form!?!?
Starring: One Real Boy, A Bunch of Random Guys in Blue Bodysuits, More Guys In Motion Capture Leotards, and Creepy Puppet Heads”¦ new title: The Jungle Book Too: The Wrath of Shere Khan. For the second straight Jungle Book Honest Trailer narrator Jon Bailey begs the question”¦ Can we spin off Baloo for a Tailspin movie? My answer: YES!
The Jungle Book comes out on Blu-Ray on August 30, 2016. Screen Junkies has over 5.6 million subscribers on YouTube and releases new Honest Trailers every Tuesday.
Honest Trailers – The Jungle Book (2016)
Pull up your red diaper and go on an adventure with the best talking animal film of the year that was way better than it deserved to be – Disney’s latest live action remake: The Jungle Book!
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