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TV Review: The Magicians 2.1 “Knight Of Crowns”
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The Magicians Cast 06

The Magicians
Season 2 Episode 1: “Knight of Crowns”
Directed by Chris Fisher
Written by Sera Gamble
Created by Sera Gamble & John McNamara
Based on the novel by Lev Grossman
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor
Air Date: Wednesday, January 25th, 2017, 9:00pm

Last time on The Magicians, the whole gang made it to Fillory, fulfilling Q’s lifelong wish. Q and Julia (Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve) went via 1942 following a young Jane Chatwin (Rose Liston). After marveling at the beauty, they ended up in the books saving her from a trap. They ran into old Jane Chatwin, who poofed them to a modern day Fillory (which looked like a desolate forest-y slum). There they reunited with the rest who had found the right fountain, and set out to retrieve the specialty god-killing knife they ordered 74 years ago. The knife was still there, but the price was marriage of his daughter of the real king… who turned out to be Eliot (Hale Appleman). Except… nobody could hold the knife – not enough power. They found Ember (Dominic Burgess) who gave them his magical power semen. Blech… And as a favor, he lifted the fog of Julia’s memory. Turns out, she was raped and her friends were killed by Reynard the Fox (Mackenzie Astin). Marina (Kacey Rohl) helped her clean it up. Alice drank the semen (blech), and they confronted the beast, who quickly killed Alice, Eliot, and Margo (Summer Bishil), and sliced off Penny’s (Arjun Gupta) hands. Julia put the knife to the Beast’s (Charles Mesure) throat, wanting to deal. She saved Q but took off with the Beast!

Spoilers ahead for tonight’s episode!

The Magicians 2.1 “Knight of Crowns” review: Quentin went running for help, screaming. He finds a witch with a candy garden who agrees to help for 1 vial of blood. By the time he gets back there, they are all okay. Alice’s god blood healed her and allowed her to fix the others, except Penny. But, no backsies from the witch.

“Be careful with strangers, we only look whimsical.” That will definitely come back to bite him in the ass.

What’s the plan?

Julia and the Beast etch out the agreement at a children’s play zone in NY. She won’t kill him, and he won’t kill her or Q and gang. He will also help her kill Reynard… and then he can have the knife. I think she’s missing something. He knows her loophole and he thinks it’s fun. It’s like they are in their own cop show, tracking Reynard via murder sprees (with missing hearts), and needing supplies for a trap.

The others understand Julia’s motivation once Quentin explains, but are still pissed at her.

They split. Margo and Penny go to find healing water for his hands, and the others go to find an object powerful enough to fight the beast, only accessible by high kings. However, Elliot has to be coronated, and pick 3 other royals.

Penny and Margo reach the healing river. She sews the hands back on and he goes for a swim. They stiff the helper and he does something tricky to Penny’s hands.

The rainbow bridge they travel on is breathtaking and totally magical. They find the Knight of Crowns who gives them a purity test… of 90s trivia. Eliot wins by voluntarily reciting Johnny’s (Patrick Swayze) monologue “Last dance of the season” from Dirty Dancing. I”m pretty sure that is the very moment I fell in love with Eliot.

They have a ceremony of crowning, High King Eliot the Spectacular. “This feels as natural as underwear.” Queen Margo the Destroyer, Queen Alice the wise, King Quentin the moderately, socially maladjusted.

Q: “Royalty bitches.”

Penny has to go back because he was a raging “douche.” How do you think that turned out?

Q and Alice have a heart to heart and he helps her with her confidence. She grows a F**in fruit bearing tree. Do they realize they can cure Fillory of its desolation with these talents? Perhaps not yet.

The Beast likes Julia – he understands her pain and wants her to be part of his plans. He wants her to get rid of her shade – that tiny piece that holds all that.

“Why do you want to help me with my shade?”

“You’d be able to live, Julia.”

He tests it but she wants to feel.

This is gonna be a gooood season. The pairing of Julia and The Beast is genius… it humanizes and demonizes him at the same time. I’m interested in exploring her rekindled friendship with Marina, and feel sorry for Reynard when he eventually gets caught. Penny has already started rethinking his Penny-ness, since it has not helped his situations. We definitely need Kady front and center again.

The premiere episode was great, and already has bunches if intriguing storylines. What is Eliot going to do? Invent everything?

The Magicians airs Wednesdays at 9:00pm ET on SyFy.


The holidays may be upon us, but for the students at Brakebills University, class is almost back in session.

The sophomore season of Syfy’s breakout fantasy drama THE MAGICIANS will make its highly-anticipated return on Wednesday, January 25 at 9/8c.

In the Season 1 cliffhanger, Quentin Coldwater’s childhood bestie Julia betrayed her friends and made a dangerous deal with The Beast that left the fate of Alice, Eliot, Margo and Penny hanging in the balance. Rest assured, they have survived”¦for now. When Season 2 returns, these novice magicians are immersed in the enchanted world of Fillory and thrust into an even more perilous, dark, and twisted journey to save the existence of magic.

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THE MAGICIANS | Season 2 Trailer | Syfy

Only the powerful will prevail. The Magicians returns for Season 2, January 25 on Syfy.

THE MAGICIANS | Season 2 Trailer #2 | Syfy

This is no fantasy. The Magicians returns for Season 2 on January 25.

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