The Magicians
Season 2 Episode 3: “Divine Elimination”
Directed by John Scott
Written by Henry Alonso Myers
Created by Sera Gamble & John McNamara
Based on the novel by Lev Grossman
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor
Air Date: Wednesday, February 8th, 2017, 9:00pm
Last week on The Magicians, Eliot (Hale Appleman) had to confess about his farmer past to his wife, once he found out that they needed help in that area (people were starving). The Beast (Charles Mesure) serenaded Julia (Stella Maeve) while she tried to figure out a way to get to Reynard. The bait they needed, Marina (Kacey Rohl) tried to find sanctuary at Brakebills, but was rejected. She went back to Julia. Quentin, Alice, Margo, and Penny (Jason Ralph, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Summer Bishil, Arjun Gupta), sought battle magic which would ready them for the Beast, complete with tattoos and fire demons.
Spoilers below.
The Magicians 2.3 “Divine Elimination” review: Back together, Eliot shows the other royals their royal chairs. He sits and starts hallucinating that Margo and company are insulting him, and ready to usurp. It looks like he triggered the Beast’s trap. Don’t worry, Alice and Q are soon just as batty as Eliot, and run off to kill him, to Penny’s astonishment. Margo got hooked too. Penny ends up going to Fen (Brittany Curran) for help.
Marina calls on the goddess. It does not seem to work, but Reynard follows her home. The Beast knew it would happen. Reynard mangles her cat (still meowing although inside out) and chews her finger off, in one of the most disgusting scenes on television (and I watch The Walking Dead). I had to turn away. Look away if you are squeamish! Just before he takes a nice bite of big toe, Julia and the Beast get in and freeze him.
“You couldn’t hit a fat girl with a fat girl seeking arrow.” Oh, Margo. You have the best insults.
Penny’s idea is to kill them and then revive them, but his hands start freaking out again. The crazy people take over anyway and kill each other. Penny and Fen revive them. They argue over how to distract the beast. Q uses a d*** metaphor and it sorta works. They do the spell, and Penny pops in and grabs the beast with Julia attached. Marina and Reynard fumble for the knife after everyone disappears. Alice does her battle magic, while Q gets Julia out of the way. They wound the Beast -his arm is dangling the wrong way, but he gets away. Penny drops Julia off… somewhere, so she rips his bracelets off and his magic goes crazy. She runs back to the apartment and finds Marina, dead. The rest head towards the wellspring, but they send Eliot and Margo for some more of Ember’s magic semen.
Q tries to talk to Alice. He wants her back, and it’s too heavy for her to handle. They kiss, but I know this means something very bad is going to happen.
The Beast goes to the wellspring, and Ember just took a dump in it… which cannot be good for anyone. Alice battles with the Beast after Q jumps in the way of a slicing. She seems to burn herself up, but then reappears and kills the Beast. She goes to attack Eliot and Margo, and Q has to unleash his fire demon, killing Alice. He is devastated.
Wtf?!?!? This is the 3rd episode of the season? With one of the main characters and the Beast dead? Not to mention Marina. This was a sick, sick episode, and fascinating, and… I cannot even handle all the things that happened in these 40 minutes.
If the Beast is truly dead, then the big bad this season must be Reynard. I can’t help but think that Alice somehow pulls through. It does leave the possibility of romance between Q and Julia, because let’s face it… they were the original not-couple. Penny needs to get his cool mojo back. This hand situation has him whining and screeching more than being my cynical badass. Margo and Eliot together again makes my heart sing, even though they did try to kill each other (and Margo succeeded) this episode. Great episode.
The Magicians airs Wednesday nights at 9:00pm on Syfy.
THE MAGICIANS | Season 2, Episode 3: Sneak Peek | Syfy
Remember how Julia told Quentin to be careful, because The Beast had set a few booby traps in the Castle Whitespire throne room? Well, it looks as if our gang may have found them”¦
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