The Magicians
Season 2 Episode 10: “The Girl Who Told Time”
Directed by Joshua Butler
Written by Noga Landau, Henry Alonso Myers
Created by Sera Gamble & John McNamara
Based on the novel by Lev Grossman
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor
Air Date: Wednesday, March 29th, 2017, 9:00pm
Last week on The Magicians, I witnessed a great moment in television history, as Eliot (Hale Appleman) prepped for a duel with the King of Loria by singing “One Day More” from Les Miserables, only my favorite Broadway show of all time. Eliot fought with a magic sword until magic “pooped” out. Margo (Summer Bishil) made a deal with the fairies to restore the wellspring in exchange for Fen (Brittany Curran) and Eliot’s child. Eliot found out he can have a husband too, so decided to marry the king and unite the kingdoms. Julia, Kady, and Penny (Stella Maeve, Jade Tailor, Arjun Gupta) kidnapped Reynard’s son, who showed up, almost killed Q (Julia’s fault), and got him back. Q (Jason Ralph) freed Niffin Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley).
Spoilers below.
The Magicians 2.10 “The Girl Who Told Time” review: Julia dreams she is an excited student at Brakebills – a Knowledge student, like Dean Fogg (Rick Worthy). When she awakens, he comes to her and frees her. He’s not a jailor, plus, “39 times I’ve known you.”
Kady and Penny look for Reynard. They walk out the door and straight into the Library. Kady does some research while Penny gets the rundown of his job. She gets turned away about the book she needs (god killing), while he learns he’s the “library police.” They find a 10-year overdue library book and some info, but Penny is his usual charming self. The lady helps Kady. Apparently the Library is holding out. Penny brings back the book and some smoke goes up the Librarian’s nose. He starts freaking and is not in control, so he kills himself in front of Penny. He did it to protect the Poison Room – stuff that could destroy worlds. When they go back to the owner of the book, everything is gone (she ran a spell coded fluff website), except a card for Kady telling her to get the books from the Poison Room.
Margo tries to get Quentin to snap out of it, “Three months in Fillory of emo Quentin.” She calls Eliot “Groomzilla.” Margo is so funny, and my favorite.
Eliot’s approval ratings are low (a spell does polls – of course there’s one), so he wants the new chef to make the food so people will like him. Then they concoct a plan where the chef will bring a “like” potion to the Fu Fighters so they will stop trying to kill him. It works.
Q is self-medicating and takes a drug that lets you see into other worlds. While high he runs into Julia’s shade, who tells him that time is running out. He goes to Julia, who won’t let Q in at first, until he tells her about the shade encounter. They go to Dean Fogg. He tells them that Alice was curious about shades. The 23rd version of Alice in the time loop was obsessed with them because she was the sole survivor. They do a Tesla Flexion – will let you talk to someone in another time loop for 2-minutes. And if you touch anything, it will explode. Quentin sees the other Alice who tells him that Shades go to the underworld, but a living person needs a being older than the world itself to get in. Q and Alice get to have their loving closure. Julia and Q research and find out what an ancient one is… a dragon. No problem!
Margo keeps seeing fairies. Fen sees them too. Margo confesses and Fen tells her to fix it. Then a fairy kidnaps Fen. I don’t know how Margo is going to fix this one. The girl is clever, but it seems as if the answer will be a bigger sacrifice.
Every episode is a delightful surprise, from 3-4 different factions. Every minute of this episode was completely enjoyable, even emo Quentin, because it allowed my girl to spout her witty words. I wish Penny was less of a douche and showed his softer side a little more often to more than just Kady (and sometimes that small group of “friends”), because it’s wonderful. Is it weird that I like Julia without shade, than with shade? She’s actually nicer because she’s being thoughtful, rather than making passionately bad decisions.
Bring back the Beast!
The Magicians airs Wednesday nights at 9:00pm ET on Syfy.
THE MAGICIANS | Season 2, Episode 10: Sneak Peek | Syfy
Quentin is NOT doing well in the wake of Alice’s death, and Margo has a lot to say about his attitude.
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