Tor Minis
Miniature Hardcover Series
Six Months, Three Days, Five Others by Charlie Jane Anders
Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson
From the Two Rivers by Robert Jordan
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Wild Cards I: Volume One edited by George R. R. Martin
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi
Publisher: Tor Books
Release Date: October 17, 2017
Nothing says Happy Holidays at my house like receiving books as a gift. In this same spirit, Tor Books has seen fit to create smaller format editions of some great science fiction and fantasy stories.
I am going to give you a quick run down of the six books already available in the Tor Minis series. Hang on tight, there is a lot to take in!

Compiling six new to print short stories, Six Months, Three Days, Five Others from author Charlie Jane Anders is a quirky look at this up and coming star in the realm of science fiction and fantasy literature. Included in this book is her Hugo Award winning novelette Six Months, Three Days. This is an excellent way to dive into a new author!
Brandon Sanderson presents us with a special gift edition of Edgedancer, a short novel from the Stormlight Archive. Centered around a Knight Radiant named Lift, this story sees her on a journey to help those who cannot help themselves, even if it costs her everything. As the entity known only as Darkness seeks to slay all those with blossoming power, she must do everything she can to save those innocents. An excellent addition to the three full length novels available in the series, this book will please every Sanderson fan.
From the Two Rivers by Robert Jordan is a great jumping on point for those new to “Wheel of Time” series. This book is in actuality the first part of the previously released Eye of the World, book one of that series. This is the start to a grand adventure that is being hailed as the great American fantasy series. A great gift for the early fantasy fan.
The award-winning book Ender’s Game is next up and is a highly regarded and heavily referenced novel in its own right. First in a long and well-loved series, this book speaks to the hero in all of us. Ender Wiggin is both a genius and an outcast, but he has the ability to save the human race. If you or someone you know has not read this Orson Scott Card novel then a great disservice is being done. Trust me, this a must have.
I love anthologies and Wild Cards I: Volume One is no exception. Edited by none other than George R.R. Martin himself, this book holds the tales from a plethora of amazing writers. Originally released twenty years ago, this is a timeless classic of stories inspired by an alien virus that creates powerful beings among us, some good and some bad. A worthy read for all of us.
John Scalzi‘s Old Man’s War is the story of a man who turned seventy-five and decided to do something with the rest of his life. With interstellar war breaking out, John Perry plans to do his part. What he is expecting and what actually occurs turns out to be two totally different things. His life will never be the same.
From some of the most commended writers in science fiction and fantasy:
Tor Books and Tor.com are eager to announce TOR MINIS, small-format 4 x 6 paper-over-board hardcovers perfect for gift-giving.
Including new-to-book Six Months, Three Days, Five Others by Charlie Jane Anders
And a standalone edition of Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson, along with”¦
From the Two Rivers by Robert Jordan, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Wild Cards I: Volume One edited by George R. R. Martin, and Old Man’s War by John Scalzi.
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