| ‘The Wheel Of Time’: Rosamund Pike Set To Star In TV Series Based On Robert Jordan’s Books![Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Robert Jordan Wheel of Time](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2016/05/wheel-of-time-robert-jordan-book-1-530x265.png?resize=530%2C265&ssl=1)
The first casting for Amazon’s The Wheel of Time, a live-action TV series adaptation of author Robert Jordan‘s book series of the same name, has been confirmed. It’s being reported that Rosamund Pike, the Oscar nominated star of Gone Girl, The World’s End, 2005’s Pride & Prejudice, Hostiles, A Private War, and much more, will star in the series. She’ll be playing the show’s central character, an Aes Sedai named Moiraine.
...continue reading » Tags: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Brandon Sanderson, Darren Lemke, Harriet McDougal, Jennifer Salke, Larry Mondragon, Marigo Kehoe, Rafe Judkins, Robert Jordan, Rosamund Pike, The Wheel of Time, Uta Briesewitz, Wheel Of Time | |
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| Book Spotlight: Tor Minis, New Small-Format Hardcover Editions![Tor Minis From the Two Rivers Tor Minis From the Two Rivers]()
Tor Minis
Miniature Hardcover Series
Six Months, Three Days, Five Others by Charlie Jane Anders
Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson
From the Two Rivers by Robert Jordan
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Wild Cards I: Volume One edited by George R. R. Martin
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi
Publisher: Tor Books
Release Date: October 17, 2017 Nothing says Happy Holidays at my house like receiving books as a gift. In this same spirit, Tor Books has seen fit to create smaller format editions of some great science fiction and fantasy stories. I am going to give you a quick run down of the six books already available in the Tor Minis series. Hang on tight, there is a lot to take in!
...continue reading » Tags: Brandon Sanderson, Charlie Jane Anders, Edgedancer, Enders Game, Five Others, From the Two River, George R.R. Martin, John Scalzi, Old Man's War, Orson Scott Card, Robert Jordan, Six Months, Three Days, Tor, Tor Books, Tor Mini, Tor Minis, Wild Cards, Wild Cards I: Volume One | |
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| Robert Jordan’s ‘Wheel Of Time’ Coming To TV With A Major Studio![Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Robert Jordan Wheel of Time]()
Years ago, I started reading a little series from an author that had previously written some of my favorite post-Robert E. Howard Conan novels. The premise was a simple one, but as I read further into the books, they became far more intricate and seemed to expand beyond my wildest dreams. I speak, of course, of Robert Jordan‘s The Wheel Of Time series.
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| Winter 2016 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books To Read![Winter Reading Books Recommendations banner Winter Reading Books Recommendations]()
The cold is upon us, making it a perfect time to stay in with a few good books, and thankfully there’s plenty to choose from this Winter. I’ve teamed up with my speed-reading gal pal Olympus Athens and the master of books himself Waerloga69 to bring you a list of cool new science fiction and fantasy books coming this Winter. There’s some new Star Wars and Star Trek selections, along with upcoming releases from China Miéville, Brandon Sanderson, Stan Lee, and many more. See below for our picks in Winter 2016 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books To Read.
...continue reading » Tags: Alison Goodman, An Unattractive Vampire, Andie Tong, Best of 2016, Book Recommendations, Brandon Sanderson, China Miéville, City Of Blades, David R. George III, Doctor Who, Doctor Who Coloring Book, Eleanor: A Novel, Greg Cox, James Swallow, Jason Gurley, Jim McDoniel, Kirsten Beyer, Lady Helen, Paul Tassi, Robert Jackson Bennett, Sharman Apt Russell, Stan Lee, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stuart Moore, The Dark Days Club, The Divine Cities, The Dragon's Return, The Earthborn Trilogy, The Sons of Sora, The Zodiac Legacy, The Zodiac Legacy: The Dragon's Return, Tim Powers | |
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