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Book Review: Dungeons & Dragons: Tyranny Of Dragons
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Dungeons & Dragons: Tyranny Of Dragons
D&D Accessory
Wizards Of The Coast
Release Date: October 22, 2019

Can you believe it has already been five years since the latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons hit shelves all over the world? Not only has it become the most successful version of the world’s greatest role playing game, but it has become so inclusive that friends that never showed an interest prior are now playing the game. I’m looking at you, Lisa! This newest release, Tyranny Of Dragons, compiles the two original adventures, Hoard Of The Dragon Queen and The Rise Of Tiamat, into a single volume. I remember writing several articles back then about these upcoming releases from Wizards Of The Coast. You can journey back into the past and read one of them here. But there are some additions and changes that make this a worthy purchase; keep reading to find out what those are!

As I stated above, this book brings together two fantastic adventures for those who missed them the first time around or anyone who wants the entire campaign in one handy volume. Overall, the first mega module, Hoard Of The Dragon Queen, is meant to take beginning first-level characters up to around the seventh or eighth level while The Rise Of Tiamat takes the party to around fifteenth level or so. Players and Dungeon Masters who have already completed this adventure may see some slight differences in this updated collection. Notably, the introduction is different and some streamlining has occurred to create a smoother transition throughout the game.

Incorporating some of the better-known groups from across Faerûn, this adventure encompasses both the famous and infamous to help drive the story and plot. But the basic overview is that Tiamat has been banished to the Nine Hells and the Cult of the Dragon wants to bring her back to the Prime Material Plane. Allying themselves with most evil and treacherous mages in all of the Forgotten Realms, the Cult seeks the five Dragon Masks as part of the necessary components to release the Queen of Dragons. It is up to the party of adventurers to stop this from happening. For without all the masks, Tiamat remains in the lower planes thereby keeping the world safer by far.

As the party gains experience and strength, they become somewhat famous for their good deeds along the Sword Coast, earning them accolades all over, but especially in Waterdeep where the Council will turn to them for advice and assistance, kicking off the second part of their journey to defeat the return of Tiamat. There are a plethora of side quests and these will help align the characters with the story and supply them with information and items. It is crucial that the party understand the gravity of the situation, as well as the escalating timeliness of their adventure. The world literally hangs in the balance of good and evil. For Tiamat is ready to ravage Faerûn if she gains her freedom.

Tyranny Of Dragons is aimed at a party of four, but can be adjusted as needed, the idea is to challenge the players but not go for a TPK (Total Party Kill). The additional appendices in the back of the book offer extra character and non-player character backgrounds and magical items. There’s also one that is a faction and association scorecard for the Council of Waterdeep, because politics can get murky and alliances occur behind the scenes even in real life, as you most likely already know. As usual, there is a section for new monsters and creatures that appear within the adventure but are absent from the Monster Manual. But perhaps best of all, and certainly my favorite part, is the concept art section at the back. Loads of original art, popular characters, and dragons galore are all available for readers to ooh and ahh over to their heart’s content. I love to draw and paint, so the artistic and physical feature breakdown of the different chromatic dragons is an awesome addition for my personal interests and maybe yours, too.

So it turns out that this little gem will be exclusive to game stores on its release day. (Though, I see that some game shops are offering it up on Amazon too.) I have no idea if there are plans for full distribution, but I would advise all interested parties (see what I did there?) to check out their local gaming shop for a copy to call their own. You can check out Wizards’s site to find a gaming shop near you. Wizards has done a fabulous job with this book and I love the kick ass new cover from Hydro74. So be sure to check this out so your gaming group can dive into an amazingly detailed and world spanning quest. Thanks for reading and let me know how you like it!

Avert the cataclysmic return of Tiamat in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy campaign to bring Tiamat back to Faerûn. Alongside their dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, they sweep from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen.

The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together to fight the cult. The heroes must succeed, or Faerûn will succumb to draconic tyranny. In the end, the world will never be the same.

Tyranny Of Dragons

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