Hellboy: The Fury #2
Written by Mike Mignola
Art by Duncan Fegredo
Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price $2.99
Release date: July 13, 2011
Part 2 of a 3-part storyline, Hellboy: The Fury #2 starts immediately into the war with the Queen of Blood. Knights fight on both sides and we even get a glimpse of The Four Horsemen, though truthfully it’s the Three Horsemen and One Pedestrian (a pseudo Terry Pratchett reference for those in the know). Blood abounds, bodies lay scattered, and Hellboy seems to be on the losing end of this battle. Could this be the fabled Ragnarok the Norse always spoke of?
Hellboy stands as the bastion of good in this battle, but is severely outnumbered and most certainly the underdog. Even the mighty Hellboy cannot bring down this mighty dragon queen.The ravens that appear throughout the comic lend themselves to the Norse theme of death and destruction, of course the battle taking place at Vigrid also pretty well seals the deal, too.
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