![Weapon DVD Weapon DVD]()
Directed by Adam Bhala Lough
Starring Nick Cannon, Paul Dano, Mark Webber
Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Release Date: March 3, 2009
I knew I was headed for trouble when I saw Nick Cannon on the cover of the DVD for the movie Weapons. But I am forever an optimist, so I decided to give it a shot. Just because Mr. Cannon’s claim to fame is being on basic cable and marrying Mariah Carey doesn’t mean he can’t act or pick good movies to star in, right? So after watching this movie, was I proven wrong? Sadly, no.
Weapons is just about near every idealistic student film you have ever seen. Right off the bat, a murder occurs at a fast food restaurant and Reggie (Cannon) is killed. For the rest of the film, the movie follows Reggie as well as other youths in a series of disjointed flashback vignettes that explains how Reggie ended up dead and why the murder occurred in the first place. The whole point of the film is to explain that even the smallest event can have devastating results but after watching 30 minutes of the film, does it really matter?
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