When Ohio blackened thrash legends Skeletonwitch parted ways with their iconic singer Chance Garnette in 2014, many fans (myself included) worried that the band was losing the element that made them so special. Now almost two years later, our concerns are being put to rest as we get our first listen to the advanced tracks from Skeltonwitch’s upcoming EP The Apothic Gloom.
The new offering will be released August 19, 2016 via Prosthetic Records, and features new vocalist Adam Clemans, formerly of Wolvhammer. Clemans’ vocal style meshes nicely with Skeletonwitch and from what I’m hearing so far, is not a radical departure from his predecessor. Judge for yourself as this week’s Black Metal Friday track is the freshly released seven minute epic titled “Red Death, White Light.” Give it a listen here below and let us know what you think in the comments below.
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