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Comic Review: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #8
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #8Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #8
Written by Arvid Nelson
Art by Carlos Rafael
Colors by Carlos Lopez
Letters by Marshall Dillion
Covers by Joe Jusko, Ale Garza, Paul Renaud
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: November 23rd, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99

My hat goes off to creative team of Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #8. This team consistently turns out one of the most fun comics on the stands today. And it’s a shame that more people aren’t reading it. TONS of action, fighting, heroics, and more crammed into each issue!

Writer Arivd Nelson sure knows how to write women. These aren’t the standard “women with a grudge against all men” either. They’re solid characters, full of life and personality who just happen to be members of the fairer sex.

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Comic Review: Dark Shadows #1
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

Dark Shadows 1Dark Shadows #1
Written by Stuart Manning
Script by Aaron Campbell
Colors by Carlos Lopez
Letters by Troy Peteri
Covers by Aaron Campbell, Francesco Francavilla
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: November 2nd, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99

I came into this comic fresh. I had heard of Dark Shadows before, but was not familiar with it, and had never seen the TV show or read any of the previous comics. After reading this, that might change.

Writer Stuart Manning does an incredible job introducing the world of Dark Shadows to the reader, yet still leaving PLENTY of mystery and intrigue to the imagination. I really felt like I was reading some old Tomb of Dracula issues. Very creepy atmosphere without crossing the line into full blown horror. Having the book set in 1971 is an interesting twist, as it never really plays into the story. In fact, you don’t really even notice it. Not even in the fashions or hairdos. What you get is lots of great set up and a great shock ending that makes you really anxious for the next issue. Great story all around.

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Comic Review: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #7
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris 7Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #7
Written by Arvid Nelson
Art by Carlos Rafael
Colors by Carlos Lopez
Letters by Marshall Dillion
Covers by Joe Jusko, Ale Garza, Paul Renaud
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: October 5th, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99

This is why we’re all lucky that comics are still being published. This story would NOT work in film, television, books, or any other kind of medium. But, it totally works in comic book form.

Arvid Nelson knows how to write a fun, exciting, suspenseful story specifically for the comic book art form. It’s action from first page to last, always moving, and cliffhangers abound in this issue. Hey, what’s not to love about scantily clad woman bouncing (and I do mean bouncing) around fighting, in chains and causing all sorts of mayhem? This is a genuinely fun, well-crafted action story with a GREAT last page shocker.

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Comic Review: Kato Origins #11
Merkader   |  

Dynamite Entertainment: Kato Origins #11Kato Origin #11
Written by Jai Nitz
Pencils by Colton Worley
Inks by Colton Worley
Colors by Carlos Lopez
Letters by Simon Bowland
Covers by Colton Worley, Francesco Francavilla
Dynamite Entertainment
Release date: August 31, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99

I want to say upfront that I have not read the other books in the Kato Origins line. Normally this isn’t that big of a hindrance when reading a single issue. There is normally a brief recap, and then plenty of information to keep you in the know. This isn’t necessarily the case, and I’ll get to why that is in a moment.

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Comic Review: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6
Waerloga69   |  @   |  

Dynamite Entertainment: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6
Based on the writings by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Written by Arvid Nelson
Art by Carlos Rafael
Colors by Carlos Lopez
Letters by Marshall Dillon
Covers by Joe Jusko, Paul Renaud, Alé Garza
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: September 8, 2011
Cover Price: $3.99

Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6 is the beginning of a five-part arc called “Pirate Queen of Mars.” The start of the comic has Dejah Thoris walking through the streets of Greater Helium with Tardos Mors and his advisors surveying the damage done by the Colossus of Yorn. As the conversation turns to the water pumping stations and how the canals are drying up, they determine that immediate action is needed. Dejah Thoris volunteers to lead the expedition to the polar ice in the south to find out what is going on.

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