Jim Lee, Co-Publisher of DC Comics, took to his Twitter tonight to publicly air his thoughts regarding the controversy surrounding the popular comics publisher’s current Open Talent Search artist contest, which was met with some backlash from those feeling that it was sexist and disrespectful to women.
The contest guidelines, which ran on DC’s website under the headline “Break into comics with Harley Quinn,” requires entrants to draw four panels featuring the DC female villain Harley Quinn attempting to commit suicide because of outlandish situations the DC writers put her in. The contest winner would then get to draw one page of DC’s Harley Quinn #0 by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner to be released this November.
DC’s panel descriptions, which include showing Harley Quinn naked in a bathtub surrounded by hanging electronics preparing to launch another suicide attempt, prompted public outcry accusing DC of being sexist towards women and insensitive about suicide (you can read of this over at The Daily Dot). The general interest women’s website Jezebel, which is part of Gawker Media, felt that DC’s contest was “disturbing” and “showcases DC’s blatant disregard for women.” This issue comes on the heels of another recent controversy for the publisher, who were accused of being homophobic for not letting Batwoman marry her same-sex partner, which prompted Batwoman‘s creative team of J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman to leave the title.
Since Twitter is not exactly the premiere platform for discussing delicate, polarizing subjects, we’ve compiled all of Lee’s tweets and photos all together here below. The end includes the sneak peek of Superman Unchained that Lee sent as his final tweet.
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