| Vote For Ash! Bruce Campbell Vies To Make “Emmys Groovy”![Ash vs Evil Dead: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Jill Marie Jones - S01E07 Ash vs Evil Dead: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Jill Marie Jones - S01E07]()
Bruce Campbell has been a “Jack of all Trades” throughout his near 40-year career. He’s been a suave leading man, the comedy relief sidekick, and of course the grooviest man to ever bare a chainsaw hand. One thing he’s not however, is a winner of major awards. Well, Bruce Campbell wants to change that. Campbell is launching a campaign to be nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for his role as Ash Williams in the Starz series Ash vs. Evil Dead, based on the cult horror series that made Campbell famous. Check out the teaser below.
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| Emmys 2015: Andy Samberg’s Opening Number & Monologue (Video)![space]() |
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![Emmy Awards 2015 Andy Samberg host Emmy Awards 2015 Andy Samberg host]()
Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Andy Samberg hosted the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards tonight live from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, CA, and not surprisingly, his opening monologue took aim at some today’s most popular television stars as well as some not so hot celebrities (Jared, Cosby, and so on). Before the Emmys 2015 live monologue, the SNL alum opened the show with a star-studded pre-recorded video where he’s overwhelmed by questions about which TV shows he’s seen. Turns out, Samberg has a lot of catching up to do (I think we can all relate to this), so to rectify the situation, he holes himself up in a bunker and binge watches EVERY show. When he finally emerges, he breaks out into song about how he completed this major tasks. Sadly, he learns from Castle‘s Nathan Fillion that he forgot actually one show (back to the bunker!). Samberg’s former SNL cast mate and current fellow FOX TV star Will Forte (Last Man on Earth) shows up in the video for an homage to Les Miserables, and the host ends the video with a song and dance number.
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| The Creative Emmy Awards 2015: Nominees & Winners!![Emmy Award header Emmy Awards header]()
The 67th Primetime Emmy Awards are still a week away, but last night The Creative Emmy Awards 2015 were held in Los Angeles, and honored some behind-the-scenes folks, as well as some guest stars. The clear winner was Game of Thrones, garnering 8 wins, including ones for Outstanding Editing in a Drama Series, and Outstanding Casting in a Drama Series. Is this foreshadowing of next week’s awards? We’ll see. Check out the list of nominees and winners below.
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| Weird Al Takes On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Theme Song At The Emmys (Video)![Weird Al Yankovic Emmy Awards 2014 Game Of Thrones theme song with Andy Samberg Weird Al Yankovic Emmy Awards 2014 Game Of Thrones theme song with Andy Samberg]()
Weird Al Yankovic performed at tonight’s Emmy Awards where he took on several popular television theme songs, one of which was Game Of Thrones. The parody master created lyrics for the popular HBO series, adding in parts about poison wine, paying attention to the introductory maps, and the need for author George R.R. Martin — whose A Song Of Ice and Fire novels are the basis for the TV show — to type faster. SNL‘s Andy Samberg joined Yankovic on stage dressed as King Joffrey, but he eventually made his way into the audience where Martin was seated, handing him an old-fashioned typewriter as Yankovic and his background singers implored the writer to type faster. Watch the video here below!
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| Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Bryan Cranston Reunite With A Kiss At The Emmys (Video)![Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Bryan Cranston Reunite With A Kiss At The Emmys 2014 Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Bryan Cranston Reunite With A Kiss At The Emmys 2014]()
If you’re a fan of Bryan Cranston, then you might remember that before he became a household name as Heisenberg on AMC’s Breaking Bad, he guest-starred on Seinfeld as Tim Whatley, Jerry’s dentist who dated Elaine, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. The actors reunited at the Emmy Awards tonight, where Louis-Dreyfus seemingly did not recall her on-screen lover Cranston, much to his dismay. Later on, when Louis-Dreyfus got up to accept the award for Outstanding Lead Actress in the Comedy Series (for HBO’s Veep), Cranston grabbed her before she could make it to the steps and planted a long, hot kiss on her. That jogged her memory! Watch the video of the kiss here below.
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