Fable has turned into an interesting franchise for Peter Molyneaux and his Lionhead Studios. Each game has come with unbelievable promises, and each””while still enjoyable for many players in terms of basic entertainment””has failed to live up to a lot of the overall hype.
That’s not stopping Molyneaux from continuing to try and reach beyond the stars for the next installment in the Fable franchise, however, with the not-so-surprising announcement of a Fable 4, more officially titled Fable: The Journey. The new game takes a major turn from its predecessors, and it’s this move that will see it gaining (and perhaps losing) many fans.
Be sure to continue reading to learn much more and to see not only the first cinematic trailer for Fable: The Journey, but to see a gameplay demo as well, so you can decide whether you’re in, out, or undecided.
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