| Movie Review: Ender’s Game Ender’s Game
Director: Gavin Hood
Screenwriter: Gavin Hood
Cast: Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Moisés Arias
Summit Entertainment
Rated PG-13 | 114 Minutes
Release Date: November 1, 2013
Written and directed by Gavid Hood (X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Ender’s Game is based on the 1985 science-fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. After an alien species attacks Earth, the International Fleet prepares for an inevitable second strike by training the best and brightest children to find a commander who can fill the shoes of the legendary war hero Mazer Rackham. Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield), a shy but strategically brilliant boy, is recruited to join the International Fleet and attend Battle School. Located in Earth’s orbit, Battle School is a military academy where young cadets participate in competitive war simulations in zero gravity.
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| ‘Ender’s Game’ Trailer: The Unfilmable Sci-Fi Story Finally Gets Big Screen Adaptation![Ender's Game Trailer Header Ender's Game Trailer Header]()
Nearly 20 years after Orson Scott Card‘s novel was first published, an adaptation of Ender’s Game is finally hitting the big screen. For a long time, Card had believed that the book was “unfilmable” not because of the amount of violence depicted, but because it all took place in Ender’s head. But the film’s first trailer has appeared online, and so far, it looks like it’s not living up to Card’s statements. Whether or not this trailer will please or anger fans certainly remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, Ender’s Game looks like it will please a new generation of sci-fi fans. Hit the jump to see the new trailer.
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| Harrison Ford & Asa Butterfield Tease The Upcoming ‘Ender’s Game’ Trailer![Ender's Game Header Ender's Game Header]()
The first trailer for Gavin Hood‘s large-scale adaptation of the classic Orson Scott Card sci-fi novel Ender’s Game is set to premiere early this week, but in the meantime, stars Harrison Ford (Colonel Hyrum Graff) and Asa Butterfield (Ender Wiggin) are here to tease some footage from the upcoming trailer. You can watch the footage with the Ford/Butterfield intro here below. The full trailer will debut on Tuesday, May 7 at 1:00 PM PT/4:00 PM ET during a Google Plus Hangout in which director Hood, star Butterfield, and producer Roberto Orci will be on hand to discuss the movie. You can tune into the Hangout at YouTube.com/EndersGameMovie and Google.com/+EndersGame and submit questions for the trio to answer during the discussion. I wouldn’t count on Card’s long-held stance on same sex marriage to be addressed though.
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| ‘Ender’s Game’ Poster Reveals A Slight Change To Battle Room![Ender's Game Header Ender's Game Header]()
If there is one thing you can count on avid fans of novels to do is to immediately jump on any and all mistakes or inaccuracies a director makes for a film adaptation. So just imagine what fans will do if Gavin Hood doesn’t get the look of the Battle Room right in Ender’s Game. Well a new poster gives us a slight tease of what it could look like. For those that don’t know, the Battle Room is where zero gravity war games are held and cadets are trained to become commanding officers. Asa Butterfield will play the child prodigy Ender who has the skills necessary to be the best commanding officer in the field. He’ll be joined by Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley, Abigail Breslin, and Viola Davis. Check out the newest poster for Ender’s Game here below.
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| ‘Ender’s Game’ Images: Look Into Mess Hall & Battle School Emblems![Ender's Game Mess Hall Ender's Game Mess Hall]()
Summit Entertainment has teased Ender’s Game fans with a few production photos and official stills in the past and with the film just a little under a year away from release, the marketing team is continuing to slowly churn out more promotional goodies. The Gavin Hood-directed film is based on the Orson Scott Card novel of the same name where young children are recruited into the military and are trained to fight against an insectoid race called buggers. Check out the new images from the film below. Asa Butterfield plays the titular character, Ender, who also happens to be a brilliant strategist. After being pulled out of school to join the elite, Ender quickly adapts to the increasingly difficult war games and not only gains the respect of his peers, but also the attention of the great Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley).
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