He-Man and She-Ra: A Complete Guide To The Classic Animated Adventures
Written by James Eatock
Foreword by Robert Lamb
She-Ra content co-written by Alex Hawkey
Dark Horse Books
Release Date: August 24, 2016
Cover Price: $39.99
I was never a huge He-Man or She-Ra fan, folks. I was actually a teenager when the cartoons were coming out. I was quite familiar with the Mattel toys, though. My youngest brother, Michael, possessed any number of the action figures and accessories prior to the airing of the cartoons. So while some folks are consumed with nostalgia for this franchise, I am not one of them. I do, however, acknowledge the impact it had on fans. That and Castle Grayskull was kind of badass.
But anyway, we are here to discuss He-Man and She-Ra: A Complete Guide to the Classic Animated Adventures so keep on reading for the skinny on this amazing book!
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