Blood Drive
Season 1 Episode 8: “A Fistful of Blood”
Created by James Roland
Directed by Lin Oeding
Written by John Hlavin
Starring Alan Ritchson, Christina Ochoa, Thomas Dominique, Marama Corlett, Colin Cunningham, Andrew Hall, Darren Kent, Renee Castle
Air Date: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017, 10pm
Last week on Syfy’s original series Blood Drive, a giant monster ran amok, slaughtering Blood Drivers. Sadly, we bade farewell to the Gentleman (Andrew Hall) who went out in an orgy of one liners, and sexual innuendos. Julian Slink (Colin Cunningham) is back in control of the Blood Drive, and has Heart Enterprises by the balls. Of course his glorious victory came with the revelation that he lead Karma to her death”¦ and oh that was not what Grace (Christina Ochoa) wanted to hear. Her entire purpose in the Drive was to rescue Karma and use the winnings to start over. Now her motive is revenge and she has a target. This week, the Blood Drive heads to the wild west town of Red River where Slink and Grace will square off Back to the Future Part III-style.
Check out my review for Blood Drive Episode 8 (SPOILERS):
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