![NYCC 2019 AEW Panel Interview AEW Panel Interview]()
New York Comic-Con just wrapped on another successful year at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in midtown Manhattan this weekend. All Elite Wrestling invaded NYCC fresh off giving TNT their biggest debut for a new show in five years with All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite on Wednesday, October 2nd. On Friday, the wrestlers and stars of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) came to discuss their new Wednesday night show and describe what sets them apart from other wrestling companies in the world. Current AEW World Heavyweight Champion and Fozzy lead singer Chris Jericho was there along with stars Jon Moxley, Nyla Rose, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry, Kia Stevens — who wrestles as Awesome Kong and appears on Netflix’s Glow — and last but not least AEW’s Chief Branding Officer Brandi Rhodes. I guess packing wrestlers into tight spaces was not a great idea, as later in the day at their AEW on TNT panel, all hell broke loose!
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