Rutger Hauer, the Dutch wunderkind of an actor whose steely intensity made his presence unforgettable in films like Blade Runner, Nighthawks, and other challenging projects, died on July 19 2019 at his home in the Netherlands after a short illness, per Variety. He was 75.
The blond-haired actor with piercing blue eyes was a force majure on screens big and small. There was always an expected nervousness he gave the viewer when playing characters, there was always a wonderful unsettling feeling he gave to the energy of whatever might have been going on in a picture, and his magnetism went toe to toe with screen stalwarts like Harrison Ford in Blade Runner and Sylvester Stallone and Billy Dee Williams in the underrated crime yarn Nighthawks.
Captain Action Cat #2 picks up immediately after the whirlwind events of the first issue. Can Action Cat save the day? Can Captain Action Cat make it back home? BOTH of them?
The writing team of Art Baltazar and Franco have been around for a while always turn out some great stuff. But, when you throw newcomer Chris “Zod” Smits into the mix, the fun really heats up!! They have more going on in one single issue of a comic than some titles have in their entire run. This issue is PACKED with fun and adventuresome characters that are true to both the spirit of the book and who they “really” are. They’ve managed to find a logical way to combine THREE companies’ characters into one series. You’ve got everybody from Action Cat to Captain Action to Ghost to X, and they’ve ALL got something to do and a reason for being there. Besides being really entertaining, this comic is an honest to God page turner!! Fun Fact: Chris “Zod” Smits is the world’s WORST player of Scramble with Friends.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press