Paranormal Activity is one of those rare little indie movies that catches fire and goes on to make a legend of itself, very much like 1999’s The Blair Witch Project. Unfortunately, when a movie is this small, it’s difficult for them to acquire the funding to get a wide theatrical release, if they can get into theaters at all. The movie only cost an astoundingly minuscule $11,000 to make, and was so low-budget, that the studio was once planning to just remake it, but due to the massive reaction to it as is, it could now become something truly special. Right here and right now, we the fans of movies have the chance to help get this new film that’s terrifying audiences all over the place into theaters all over the country as it deserves, instead of just a handful of limited locations like New York and LA.
Here’s the deal: all you have to do is DEMAND the movie in your area by clicking the banner below. You’ll be transported to another site, where you simply enter your zip code, and click the button to demand it, and *poof* that’s all it takes. Ta-da! Paranormal Activity is currently creeping up toward 430,000 demands, so they’re almost half-way home, but with still a long way to go. If we all make this demand and tell all of our friends, then we can all have a little tiny hand in possible history. We all know what Blair Witch did, and that movie is still talked about to this day ten years later. Who knows — in another ten years, you might be able to tell friends that you helped Paranormal Activity become the horror classic that it is!
Click on over for the banner AND to see a couple of trailers. If you haven’t seen the trailer, do so immediately and see what this flick is doing to poor unsuspecting folks.
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