| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.15 “We’re Planning a June Wedding” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 15: “We’re Planning a June Wedding”
Directed by Chris Grismer
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor, Jen Vestuto and Melissa Marlette
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, March 3rd, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on The Vampire Diaries, Kai (Chris Wood) gave Cade (Wolé Parks) Elena’s coffin, but kept the dagger for himself. Cade wanted Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to fetch it for him. The brothers knocked Kai out and took him to the Armory. He taunted Caroline (Candice King) saying he knew what would help the twins. He siphoned magic from the walls, and stalked the little girls. Alaric (Matthew Davis) and Caroline saved them. Stefan tricked Damon and went to kill Cade himself, but that didn’t work (even with a bell plan). Cade made Damon choose between saving Stefan or Elena, but instead Damon sacrificed himself. Just as Cade was readying to send dead Damon to hell, Bonnie (Kat Graham) showed up and fought for his soul. That struggle only stopped once Stefan came back and killed him. Bonnie locked Kai up in a lonely world with an annoying song on loop. He revealed that Katherine was now the queen of hell. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Chris Grismer, Ian Somerhalder, Jen Vestuto, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Melissa Marlette, Michael Malarkey, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.11 “You Made A Choice To Be Good” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 11: “You Made a Choice To Be Good”
Directed by Carol Banker
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor and Celine Geiger
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 3rd, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on The Vampire Diaries, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) was trapped in his own head, and even Sybil (Nathalie Kelley) couldn’t get him out. It was up to Caroline and Bonnie (Candice King, Kat Graham) to go in through a back door. Caroline reunited with her mom (who arrested her), and Bonnie figured out that it was really Stefan (Paul Wesley) who needed to be in there (cameo by Vicki Donovan – Kayla Ewell). He jumped in and told Damon he forgave him, but there was a twist. It was Damon who needed to forgive Stefan, and he kept repeating it. Stefan was not having it, so he jumped out ready to have the whole town go up in hell flames. Damon to the rescue! Humanity back, he saved the town and is ready to make amends. Oh, and Cade (Wolé Parks) sent Sybil and Seline up in flames, after becoming corporeal on earth. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Carol Banker, Celine Geiger, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Michael Malarkey, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.2 “Today Will Be Different” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 2: “Today Will Be Different”
Directed by Pascal Verschooris
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, October 28th, 2016, 8pm Last week on The Vampire Diaries, Enzo and Damon (Michael Malarkey and Ian Somerhalder) acted as bloody errand boys for a watery monster aka The Siren (Nathalie Kelley), who demands the flesh of evil. Damon coped by shutting off his humanity switch, while Enzo used all of his will to keep his innermost thoughts to himself, while leaving clues from Homer’s Odyssey for Bonnie (Kat Graham). Alaric’s nanny almost died, but Caroline vamp-runned home in time to knock out the culprit (who bit out her own tongue instead of talking), saved the nanny via vampire blood, and check on the savvy children. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Michael Malarkey, Pascal Verschooris, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 7.3 “Age of Innocenceâ€ |
By Pfeff-Bot
| October 23rd, 2015 at 10:06 am |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 7 Episode 3: “Age of Innocence”
Directed by Michael A. Allowitz
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor and Holly Brix
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice Accola King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey, Annie Wersching, Elizabeth Blackmore, Todd Lasance, Tim Kang, Michael Trevino
The CW
Air Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015, 8pm Warning: This is a recap of Vampire Diaries 7.3 “Age of Innocence,” so SPOILERS… Stefan (Paul Wesley) in the future is so mysterious. He’s on a mission. He wants to get in touch with Caroline (Candice Accola King), but it’s cool. He calls Tyler (Michael Trevino) to ask him to contact Caroline. His scar is opening up and he doesn’t “have much time.” But, whatever. Tyler says he should be running, but he casually walks over to his beautiful car, saves his diary at the last minute because he’s so damn sentimental, and drops a lighter in the trunk. BOOM, it explodes right behind him as he walks towards the camera. But he doesn’t look back. He’s Stefan Salvatore.
...continue reading » Tags: Annie Wersching, Candice Accola, Elizabeth Blackmore, Holly Brix, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Michael A. Allowitz, Michael Malarkey, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Tim Kang, Todd Lasance | |
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