| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.16 “I Was Feeling Epic” (Series Finale) |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 16: “I Was Feeling Epic”
Directed by Julie Plec
Written by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, March 10th, 2017, 8:00pm Last week on The Vampire Diaries, they needed to lure Katherine, queen of hell, out of hiding so they planned Stefan and Caroline’s (Paul Wesley, Candice King) wedding. The traitor was the newly returned Kelly Donovan (Melinda Clarke). The wedding was beautiful with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) as minister. It was the reception where things got hairy, as the house exploded with Bonnie (Kat Graham) and the twins inside. The girls siphoned Bonnie’s magic to protect them, and it was only with Enzo’s (Michael Malarkey) encouragement that she was able to give a lifesaving magic lesson to the girls. Bonnie collapsed as Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell) rang the bell. Before the start of the finale, the cast and creators gave us “Forever Yours,” a look back at the love stories, friendships, and the power of family that has moved through this little vampire series for eight seasons. It’s amazing to see how young they were at the beginning and how at the end, with all the smiles and the darkness. Spoilers below for the very last episode of The Vampire Diaries.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey, Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.15 “We’re Planning a June Wedding” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 15: “We’re Planning a June Wedding”
Directed by Chris Grismer
Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor, Jen Vestuto and Melissa Marlette
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, March 3rd, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on The Vampire Diaries, Kai (Chris Wood) gave Cade (Wolé Parks) Elena’s coffin, but kept the dagger for himself. Cade wanted Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to fetch it for him. The brothers knocked Kai out and took him to the Armory. He taunted Caroline (Candice King) saying he knew what would help the twins. He siphoned magic from the walls, and stalked the little girls. Alaric (Matthew Davis) and Caroline saved them. Stefan tricked Damon and went to kill Cade himself, but that didn’t work (even with a bell plan). Cade made Damon choose between saving Stefan or Elena, but instead Damon sacrificed himself. Just as Cade was readying to send dead Damon to hell, Bonnie (Kat Graham) showed up and fought for his soul. That struggle only stopped once Stefan came back and killed him. Bonnie locked Kai up in a lonely world with an annoying song on loop. He revealed that Katherine was now the queen of hell. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Chris Grismer, Ian Somerhalder, Jen Vestuto, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Melinda Hsu Taylor, Melissa Marlette, Michael Malarkey, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.14 “It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 14: “It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride”
Directed by Pascal Verschooris
Written by Brett Matthews & Shukree Hassan Tilghman
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 24th, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on The Vampire Diaries, we saw how Kai Parker (Chris Wood) escaped halfway from hell, via bell tolling. He started deteriorating and revealed evil intent (surprise) to Damon (Ian Somelhalder), before stealing away Elena’s coffin (and after promising to bring her back). Dorian kidnapped Stefan (Demetrius Bridges, Paul Wesley), and shot him for destroying his life in the past… then called Matt with regret. Stefan and Cade (Wolé Parks) had a talk when Stefan was on the brink of death, but Stefan wanted to live. Alaric told Caroline (Matthew Davis, Candice King) the girls were magically acting out. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Brett Matthews, Candice King, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey, Pascal Verschooris, Paul Wesley, Shukree Hassan Tilghman, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.13 “The Lies Will Catch Up To You” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 13: “The Lies Will Catch Up to You”
Directed by Tony Solomons
Written by Neil Reynolds
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 17th, 2017, 8:00pm Last week on The Vampire Diaries, Stefan (Paul Wesley) drove panicked as a human, unable to handle all that he has done. He got thrown in jail and Caroline (Candice King) came to his rescue. Cade (Wolé Parks) told Damon (Ian Somerhalder) that they were free, but Stefan would die at midnight unless he retrieved the Maxwell journal. The journal held the secret to killing Cade (we saw that in a Matt/Ethan Maxwell flashback (Zach Roerig). Damon stole it and sealed the deal. He told Alaric (Matthew Davis) he had an idea on how to kill the devil. Kai (Chris Wood) walked in. Bonnie (Kat Graham) wanted to grab Enzo (Michael Malarkey) from the other side, but her mother stopped her. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Ian Somerhalder, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Neil Reynolds, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Tony Solomons, Wolé Parks, Zach Roerig | |
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| TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.12 “What Are You?” |

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 12: “What Are You?”
Directed by Darren Genet
Written by Chad Fiveash & James Stoteraux
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 10th, 2017, 8:00pm Last time on The Vampire Diaries, Cade (Wolé Parks) freed Stefan (Paul Wesley), and went to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) with a deadly task – kill 100 people or kill Caroline Forbes (Candice King). Stefan’s task, which he gleefully went to do, was to kill Elena. Bonnie and Enzo (Kat Graham, Michael Malarkey) had the best day ever, before he committed to the cure. She brought him to a safe house she bought, which was also where Elena’s body was really held. Damon did not kill Caroline, but rushed to stop Stefan. Stefan somehow got ownership of the house transferred to him. He killed Enzo, but just as he was about to kill Bonnie, she injected him with the cure. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Candice King, Chad Fiveash, Darren Genet, Ian Somerhalder, James Stoteraux, Julie Plec, Kat Graham, Kevin Williamson, Matthew Davis, Paul Wesley, The CW, The Vampire Diaries, Wolé Parks, Zach Roerig | |
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