The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 14: “It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride”
Directed by Pascal Verschooris
Written by Brett Matthews & Shukree Hassan Tilghman
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 24th, 2017, 8:00pm
Last time on The Vampire Diaries, we saw how Kai Parker (Chris Wood) escaped halfway from hell, via bell tolling. He started deteriorating and revealed evil intent (surprise) to Damon (Ian Somelhalder), before stealing away Elena’s coffin (and after promising to bring her back). Dorian kidnapped Stefan (Demetrius Bridges, Paul Wesley), and shot him for destroying his life in the past… then called Matt with regret. Stefan and Cade (Wolé Parks) had a talk when Stefan was on the brink of death, but Stefan wanted to live. Alaric told Caroline (Matthew Davis, Candice King) the girls were magically acting out.
Spoilers below.
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