The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 14: “It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride”
Directed by Pascal Verschooris
Written by Brett Matthews & Shukree Hassan Tilghman
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, February 24th, 2017, 8:00pm
Last time on The Vampire Diaries, we saw how Kai Parker (Chris Wood) escaped halfway from hell, via bell tolling. He started deteriorating and revealed evil intent (surprise) to Damon (Ian Somelhalder), before stealing away Elena’s coffin (and after promising to bring her back). Dorian kidnapped Stefan (Demetrius Bridges, Paul Wesley), and shot him for destroying his life in the past… then called Matt with regret. Stefan and Cade (Wolé Parks) had a talk when Stefan was on the brink of death, but Stefan wanted to live. Alaric told Caroline (Matthew Davis, Candice King) the girls were magically acting out.
Spoilers below.
The Vampire Diaries 8.14 “It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride” review: Kai had siphoned Damon to the point of death, and he had an interesting convo with Cade. Seems Kai gave him Elena but not the devil-killing dagger, and Cade wants Damon to fetch it for him.
Bonnie cannot forgive Stefan, but that doesn’t mean he won’t stop trying. Enzo is the voice of forgiving reason after he leaves.
Damon goes to Stefan for help, interrupting the potential “epic bro moment.” They find Kai doing karaoke. This is why I love Kai. And Stefan’s eyebrows were going to jump off his face listening to it. He found him via Yelp. Kai stabbed his hand and almost went further, but Damon comes in with the save. They drag him to the Armory.
Caroline upsets one of the twins and they set a fire. Alaric forgot to mention that it happened at school. Caroline helps Damon lock up Kai, and reveals her frustration at Stefan “freezing her out.” Kai interrupts with an adorable finger pointing at himself about how he knows what’s up with Her Gemini twins.
Kai escapes by siphoning magic from the walls, breaking Caroline’s neck, and searching for the twins with an ax (channeling Don’t worry, the babies are okay thanks to their parents.
Stefan needs Alaric’s help because his name is not Maxwell or Donovan. He wants him to ring the bell to hurt Cade and give Stefan a chance to kill him. He vervaines Damon and almost gets Cade, but Kai calls Alaric and ruins it.
Cade gives Damon a choice – his brother or his girl, setting Elena’s casket on fire (which Bonnie can feel). Damon chooses the only person he can… himself, and stabs himself in the heart. My hero!
“Sorry Stef… it’s been a hell of a ride.”
Forgetful Cade searches for Damon’s soul to take away, but Bonnie shows up for the weirdest game of tug of war. Damon wants to let go, but Stefan comes and stabs the devil to death. “First step” to forgiveness.
Damon: “Am I late for the group hug?” Never!
Bonnie trapped Kai in a prison world where “Two Princes” by The Spin Doctors plays on a loop, forever. Funny punishment. Stefan proposes to Caroline again. And btw, Damon and Stefan do get their “epic bro moment.”
The twist was not one I was expecting. I thought for sure when Kai started laughing, it meant that he was the new keeper of hell, or that Bonnie or Stefan was. It did not even occur to me that it was Katherine. Katherine was my favorite doppelgänger, so it will be interesting to see how she is interwoven.
I loved the end of Cade, charming as Parks is. I was sad to say goodbye to my favorite villain, Kai, but I guess I have to say goodbye to everyone pretty soon anyway. I do like the happily ever after idea of Alaric opening a school for children like his kids, with Caroline running it.
Two more episodes before we say goodbye forever!
The Vampire Diaries airs Friday nights at 8:00pm ET on The CW.
The CW’s synopsis:
The Vampire Diaries
It’s Been a Hell of a Ride (Ep# 814)
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD — Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) must join forces against Cade (guest star Wolé Parks) in order to save Elena’s casket. Meanwhile, Caroline (Candice King) and Alaric (Matt Davis) deal with their daughters’ burgeoning magical powers. Pascal Verschooris directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Shukree Hassan Tilghman (#814). Original airdate 2/24/2017.
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