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TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8.16 “I Was Feeling Epic” (Series Finale)
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

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The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 16: “I Was Feeling Epic”
Directed by Julie Plec
Written by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec
Starring Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig, Matthew Davis, Michael Malarkey
The CW
Air Date: Friday, March 10th, 2017, 8:00pm

Last week on The Vampire Diaries, they needed to lure Katherine, queen of hell, out of hiding so they planned Stefan and Caroline’s (Paul Wesley, Candice King) wedding. The traitor was the newly returned Kelly Donovan (Melinda Clarke). The wedding was beautiful with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) as minister. It was the reception where things got hairy, as the house exploded with Bonnie (Kat Graham) and the twins inside. The girls siphoned Bonnie’s magic to protect them, and it was only with Enzo’s (Michael Malarkey) encouragement that she was able to give a lifesaving magic lesson to the girls. Bonnie collapsed as Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell) rang the bell.

Before the start of the finale, the cast and creators gave us “Forever Yours,” a look back at the love stories, friendships, and the power of family that has moved through this little vampire series for eight seasons. It’s amazing to see how young they were at the beginning and how at the end, with all the smiles and the darkness.

Spoilers below for the very last episode of The Vampire Diaries.

The Vampire Diaries 8.16 “I Was Feeling Epic” (Series Finale) review: Stefan tried CPR on Bonnie. Caroline’s blood wasn’t working. Her spirit is walking through the woods to Elena on a bed. They run to each other and hug… and then argue. Bonnie wants to be with Enzo. Enzo appears.

“Sorry luv. But it’s not your time.” She wakes up.

Damon keeps killing Vicki and Vicki keeps coming back. He tells Matt (Zach Roerig) to convince her not to ring the bell. The siblings have some touching words. He orders the town evacuated.

They walk into the house and Elena is there. She and Damon hug, but something’s wrong. It’s Katherine. “Hello brothers.” She banters with them, “Blah, blah, blah, devil wrapped around my finger.” Stefan plunges the special dagger into her and she’s down. But not for long. They look all over town for Elena’s body. Stefan finds her in the school, and tries to carry her out but she’s stuck there with magic. Katherine shows up again, refusing to tell him how to get Elena out. “Stefan is the better man,” she taunts. He stabs her again.

Caroline doesn’t want to leave Stefan, but he says he can convince Damon better if he knows she’s safe.

Alaric (Matthew Davis) gives Bonnie an idea. She calls Stefan, telling him the plan.

Bonnie tells Caroline: “I’m gonna save the world.”

The brothers fight over who gets to be the martyr. I think Stefan may win. Someone’s gotta stay around and make sure Katherine is in hell when it all goes down. I was in tears with this scene. Damon doesn’t want to live without his brother, so he compels him to walk away. He can’t help himself, but Caroline thinks he was the one. She calls him crying, professing her love.

Matt and his dad go to be with Vicki one last time, and then she rings the bell. Bonnie starts the spell. The hellfire bursts forth. We see Damon and Katherine near the fire. Bonnie doesn’t feel strong enough.

Enzo: “You’re not alone.” All the Bennett witches come back to save the town, and succeed. “I did it.” And falls to the ground.

The scene opens with Elena running into Stefan at the high school. I thought Damon was dead. But it was Stefan the whole time. “It’s good to see you Elena, one last time.” He whispers something into her ear. He walks outside and Lexi is waiting for him. “I was feeling epic.”

Elena wakes up. Bonnie broke the spell. Damon and Caroline mourn Stefan together. He walks out and he and Elena reunite. Elena tells Caroline that Stefan got her message.

It ended well. Bonnie was off to see the world and Enzo was there in spirit. We saw the ghosts of those they lost at peace – Vicki, Tyler, Liz Forbes, Jo. Alaric and Caroline opened the school, and Jeremy works there.

Klaus writes to Caroline, “However long it takes..” I could die. Love Klaus.

We see Dr. Elena writing in her diary about Stefan. The promise of peace is heaven, and at the very end Elena is reunited with her parents and Aunt Jenna. And Stefan and Damon are reunited.

The finale was bittersweet and wrapped up the stories nicely. Although I did not want Stefan to die, it was right that he made up for what he did to Damon all those years ago. It would have been horrible if they sacrificed everything, to not have Damon and Elena reunite, and I am glad it showed the brothers together again at peace. It ended well.

I’m also really happy that there is an opening for some of the characters that did live to have a possibility of being on The Originals.

Farewell, TVD…

The CW’s synopsis:

The Vampire Diaries
I Was Feeling Epic (Ep# 816)
OLD FRIENDS — With the fate of Mystic Falls at stake, Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) must fight their greatest enemy for one last battle. Julie Plec directed the episode written by Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson. (#816). Original airdate 3/10/2017.

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The Vampire Diaries | Inside TVD: I Was Feeling Epic | The CW


  1. So let me get this straight. The afterlife you show up in the same town you left and see your relatives who have been dead for years and haven’t aged a bit. What, are we suppose to think they are going to wait eons just until you show up? It must be nice to live in la la land. I suppose you have to get a job in the afterlife too and pay taxes, WTF.

    Comment by guruurug — March 11, 2017 @ 12:41 am

  2. You didn’t like the ending of LOST either, right? My husband hasn’t watched the finale yet, but I’m sure he is going to hate it. We have been on opposite sides of the LOST finale for years.

    Comment by Olympus Athens — March 11, 2017 @ 10:39 am

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