| Movie Review: Last Christmas![space](https://www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/spacer.gif) |
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![Last Christmas Last Christmas](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/08/last-christmas-530x310.jpg?resize=530%2C310&ssl=1)
Last Christmas
Director: Paul Feig
Writer: Bryony Kimmings, Emma Thompson
Cast: Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Emma Thompson, Michelle Yeoh
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Rated PG-13| Minutes: 103
Release Date: November 8, 2019 George Michael‘s “Last Christmas” is an essential track for any Christmas playlist. And though “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away / This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special,” is a bittersweet lyric, it does play a huge role in Paul Feig‘s holiday romantic comedy Last Christmas, starring Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding. The film is breezy, tender, warm, and sweet at best, though it is a bit weighed down by its predictability. Still, looking past its flaws and embracing the cheerful hope it joyfully expresses, Last Christmas can go from essential track on any Christmas playlist to essential watching during the holiday season. Check out my review below.
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| ‘Last Christmas’ Trailer: Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding Find Holiday Romance![Last Christmas Last Christmas]()
There are many songs that a person can add to their holiday season playlist, and you’d be very likely to find George Michael‘s “Last Christmas” on a lot of them. That same song will serve as the title for Paul Feig‘s romantic comedy Last Christmas, starring Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones, Solo: A Star Wars Story) and Henry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians, A Simple Plan). In the film, Kate (Clarke) is a struggling singer with a troubled past who works at a year-long Christmas shop. Though a series of bad decisions seems to follow her wherever she goes, she finds Tom (Golding), a person who sees through all her flaws and helps her find the joys in life despite her cynical disposition. Check out the full trailer below.
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| ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 2 Coming To Blu-ray and DVD![Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Blu-ray cover banner Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Blu-ray cover banner]()
CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment announced that Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery, the CBS All Access streaming series, will be released on Blu-ray and DVD in the United States on November 12, 2019, and will contain exclusive special features. The DVD and Blu-ray editions, which are available now for preorder, will include all 14 episodes of the second season, along with over two hours of bonus features, as well as two episodes of Short Treks that are related to the Discovery Season 2 episodes “Runaway” featuring Ensign Sylvia Tilly and “The Brightest Star” featuring Commander Saru. See the list of bonus features here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Anson Mount, Anthony Rapp, CBS All Access, Doug Jones, Ethan Peck, Mary Chieffo, Mary Wiseman, michelle yeoh, Rebecca Romijn, Shazad Latif, Sonequa Martin-Green, Star Trek, Star Trek: Discovery, Tig Notaro, Wilson Cruz | |
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| ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Sequels To Shoot Back-To-Back![Crazy Rich Asians header Crazy Rich Asians Header]()
It was a crazy rich year for everyone involved with Crazy Rich Asians. Not only did it make truckloads of money, it’s also a turning point in the representation movement, particularly for Asian representation. So after the film earned itself two Golden Globe nominations, plans for the sequels are coming to light. According to new reports, the plan now is to shoot the two sequels to Kevin Kwan‘s novels back-to-back. More on the report below.
...continue reading » Tags: Adele Lim, Awkwafina, China Rich Girlfirend, China Rich Girlfriend, Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians, Gemma Chan, Henry Golding, Jon M. Chu, Kevin Kwan, michelle yeoh, Nina Jacobson, Peter Chiarelli, Rich People Problems, Sonoya Mizuno | |
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| Movie Review: Crazy Rich Asians![Crazy Rich Asians header Crazy Rich Asians header]()
Crazy Rich Asians
Director: Jon M. Chu
Writer: Adele Lim, Peter Chiarelli
Cast: Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Gemma Chan, Awkwafina, Kris Aquino, Lisa Lu, Ken Jeong, Michelle Yeoh
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Rated PG-13 | Minutes: 121
Release Date: August 15, 2018 Romantic comedies may be a dime a dozen, but every once in a while there comes one that can change the course of cinema. And in the age of having more representation on the big screen, no film is more important than Crazy Rich Asians. Director Jon M. Chu‘s adaptation of the Kevin Kwan novel of the same name represents that shift. It’s a film that changes the genre by looking at it from a different perspective, one that has been largely ignored for almost an entire generation. And because of that, Crazy Rich Asians is not only a special film but one that is also highly entertaining and enlightening. Check out my full review below.
...continue reading » Tags: Adele Lim, Awkwafina, Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians, Gemma Chan, Henry Golding, Jon M. Chu, Ken Jeong, Kris Aquino, Lisa Lu, michelle yeoh, Peter Chiarelli, Warner Brothers | |
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