| Comic Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24 |
By PS Hayes
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| August 5th, 2013 at 1:14 pm |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24
Written by Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow & Tom Waltz
Script by Tom Waltz
Art by Mateus Santolouco with Mike Henderson
Colors by Ronda Pattison
Letters by Shawn Lee
Editor: Bobby Curnow
Covers by Mateus Santolouco, Kevin Eastman & Freddie Williams II
IDW Publishing
Release Date: July 31, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24 is the latest chapter in the “City Fall” storyline, and to say it’s dark and gritty would come close to being the understatement of the year! Writers Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, and Tom Waltz turn out what is the darkest chapter in this story so far. And, believe me, that’s saying something. The Turtles are forced to team up with Old Hob to find Leonardo and I’m pretty sure they wish they hadn’t. This is the best issue of Turtles that I’ve read in quite a while. Although, if you’ve been keeping up with the series, you know what’s coming, it doesn’t make it any less surprising or shocking when it does happen. There’s a bunch of great twists and turns here, as well as a compelling subplot that you care about just as much as you do the main story. Overall, a great issue by the writing team.
...continue reading » Tags: Bobby Curnow, Freddie Willi, Freddie Williams II, IDW Publishing, Kevin Eastman, Mateus Santolouco, Mike Henderson, Ronda Pattison, Shawn Lee, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Tom Waltz | |
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| Comic Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro Series — Krang #1 |
By PS Hayes
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| April 18th, 2013 at 12:00 pm |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro Series “” Krang #1
Script by Joshua Williamson
Art by Mike Henderson
Colors by Ian Herring
Letters by Shawn Lee
Edited by Bobby Curnow
Covers by Kevin Eastman, Mike Henderson & Tyler Walpole
IDW Publishing
Release Date: April 17, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro Series “” Krang #1 is, simply put, a delight. It’s about 50% kick-ass action tale and 50% the fun Ninja Turtle type comic that you love. Put that all together and it’s 100% good! I really didn’t need a Krang origin, but Joshua Williamson convinced me otherwise. I can’t believe I just read a comic about a living brain who goes Rambo in order to prove himself to his father, but I did. And I really enjoyed it. Williamson writes an interesting story about focusing on Krangs younger years and his quest to earn the respect of not only his father, but his fellow…brains, I guess. It’s a lot of fun, surprisingly intense in places, but it’s all around awesome. There’s great elements of fun, surprise and we get an honest to God resolution for the story. The only downside? No Ninja Turtles.
...continue reading » Tags: Bobby Curnow, Ian Herring, IDW Publishing, Joshua Williamson, Kevin Eastman, Krang, Mike Henderson, Shawn Lee, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Tyler Walpole | |
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| Comic Review: Ghostbusters #11 |
Ghostbusters #11
Written by Erik Burnham
Art by Dan Schoening
Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado
Extra Story by Tristan Jones
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Edits by Tom Waltz
Covers by Dan Schoening, Tristan Jones & Mike Henderson
IDW Publishing
Release Date: July 25, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
In Ghostbusters #11, the boys continue there cross country trek, this time stopping in Roswell, New Mexico. Hmmmmmm….strange things going on in Roswell? Who would’ve guessed that? Erik Burnham hasn’t missed a beat in ten issues, and doesn’t miss one now. The characers on all dead-on, and it’s nice to see the boys in gray as fish out of water. These last couple issues have been killer with the guys going literally all over the country. While hometown heroes back in New York City, they don’t really get the respect they deserve around the rest of the country, which takes them by surprise, but they all have different, and funny, ways of dealing with it. This issue is particularly interesting as they come face to face with an FBI team that’s investigating aliens, and the old “they’re ghosts!” “NO! They’re aliens” debate comes into play. All in all, another excellent issue filled with classic Ghostbuster humor and heart.
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| Comic Book Review: Ghostbusters #10 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| June 20th, 2012 at 10:19 am |
Ghostbusters #10
Written by Erik Burnham
Pencils by Dan Schoening
Colors by Luis Antonio DelGado
Extra Story by Tristan Jones
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Edits by Tom Waltz
Covers by Dan Schoening, Tristan Jones and Mike Henderson
IDW Publishing
Release Date: June 20, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
In Ghostbusters #10, the boys go visit the Big Easy!!! No, they don’t go to Snooki’s house. I’m talking about New Orleans, Louisiana. Can they catch the spirit about to plague the city? And more importantly, can they get out before doing more damage to the city than the ghost will do? This issue’s writer, Erik Burnham, drags the boys in gray down to Louisiana to help a town that… really DOES NOT want them there. It’s nice to see a change of pace in this series, since in previous issues the Ghostbusters have been adored by the people of New York City and rightfully so, they’ve saved their bacon more times that anyone can count. But, here in New Orleans, spirituality is a BIG part of the local flavor and the home town crowd does NOT want that changing.
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| Comic Review: Ghostbusters #9 |
Ghostbusters #9
Written by Erik Burnham
Art by Dan Schoening
Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado
Extra Story by Tristan Jones
Letters by Neil Uyetake
Covers by Dan Schoening, Tristan Jones & Mike Henderson
IDW Publishing
Release Date: May 30, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
ROAD TRIP!!! In Ghostbusters #9 the boys in gray leave the comfy confines of New York City and venture out into the rest of the USA as the PKE goes off the charts!!! Yes, folks, it’s up to our favorite paranormal eliminators to save the country! First off, writer Erik Burnham has created a GREAT starting point for people to jump on this book. And if you haven’t been reading it before, shame on you, you’re missing out on a lot of fun. The Ghostbusters first stop on their country-wide trek finds them in Detroit, Michigan, as the city has a little problem with a sizable army of ghosts. Writing wise, there’s nothing here that hasn’t been done to perfection in the 8 previous issues. Witty dialogue, fun story, plenty of ghostbusting, and action. And, a little bit of underlying plot thrown in for good measure. This is going to be one fun story arc! Grab this book and add it to your pull list — you’re not gonna want to miss these issues!
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