The Magicians
Season 2 Episode 11: “The Rattening”
Directed by James L. Conway
Written by Mike Moore
Created by Sera Gamble & John McNamara
Based on the novel by Lev Grossman
Starring Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor
Air Date: Wednesday, April 5th, 2017, 9:00pm
Last time on The Magicians, Penny (Arjun Gupta) got his first task, to retrieve a way overdue library book. The borrower had advice for Kady (Jade Tailor) and put a spell on the card, so another librarian killed himself rather than be forced to open the “Poison Room.” Eliot (Hale Appleman) was acting like “Groomzilla.” Margo (Summer Bishil) confessed to Fen (Brittany Curran), who told her to fix it before being kidnapped by the fairies. Quentin took drugs and saw Julia’s shade in a vision, who asked him for help. Dean Fogg (Rick Worthy) helped Julia and Q (Stella Maeve, Jason Ralph) talk to another version of Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley) who knows about shades (they have all lived and died 39 times). She told Q that they are in the Underworld and they need an ancient one, a dragon, to get there and come back.
Spoilers below.
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