Lord of the Jungle #3
Written by Arvid Nelson
Illustrated by Roberto Castro
Lettered by Simon Bowland
Colors by Alex Guimaraes
Covers by Paul Reaud, Lucio Parrillo, and Francesco Francavilla
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: April 11, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
If you like the character of Tarzan, you’re going to love Lord of the Jungle #3. Simply put, it’s a fantastic Tarzan story. Dynamite Entertainment is really turning their books up a notch creatively. Line wide, they are dismissed by many as just a licensed comic publisher, but honestly, if you take the time to READ their books, you’re going to find that a big percentage of them are well thought out, well-crafted comics.
In this issue, writer Arvid Nelson continues telling a great story that he started two issues ago. Yes, it’s origin-like, but not completely an origin, if that makes any sense. It will when you read the book.
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