![Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 Header Image Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 Header Image]()
After releasing the biggest entertainment title of all time in Grand Theft Auto V back in 2013, Rockstar Games got to work on whatever was next for them. Heading into E3 2016 earlier this year whispers abounded that their next release would be a sequel to their hit western Red Dead Redemption, and many eagerly awaited the big reveal during the convention. But sadly it never came. Whether that was because Rockstar saw all of those whispers and wanted to wait for more of a surprise reveal or they were working on something else entirely, nobody knew.
Beginning earlier this week they released a couple of teases that had fans losing their minds hoping it was hints of an incoming sequel confirmation. Many others, however, thought it was more likely something related to the first Redemption or even its predecessor Red Dead Revolver becoming available on PS4. But now, passing up the usual big reveal during one of the video game events, Rockstar has released a simple post confirming that Red Dead Redemption 2 is real, when a first trailer will be released, and when you can expect to play it. You can find all of that below.
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