![Lemmy Return To Nuke 'Em High Vol. I & II Lemmy Return To Nuke 'Em High Vol. I & II]()
This year Troma Films, purveyors of some of the most unhinged B-movies to melt the innards of many a VCR, is preparing to unleash its biggest movie made yet, a depraved epic bound to offend every special interest group on Earth and maybe even a few on distant planets that is so huge it has to be split into two parts, Kill Bill style. Return to Nuke ‘Em High Vol. I & II, the fourth movie in the studio’s other most successful franchise that kicked off in 1986 and has become one of many bona fide cult classics to endure throughout the years, is coming to theaters soon and bringing a star-studded cast (for a Troma movie) with it.
You can check out a poster and teaser trailer for the movie here below.
Set to appear in Return are such Troma mainstays as Debbie Rochon, porn movie legend Ron Jeremy, and hard rock god Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead (the photo above shows him in the film as President Lemmy). Mark Neveldine, the co-director of the Crank movies, Gamer, and most recently Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, is looking to appear in this latest Troma-tic endeavor. Studio head Lloyd Kaufman, who has directed many of Troma’s best-known movies, returns to serve as director, and judging by the trailer will also make his customary cameo bow.
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