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Star Wars Day: And Then There Were Seven
Waerloga69   |  @   |  

Star Wars The Force Awakens Title Card

I have had a tough time this year coming up with a topic for this most important date, May The 4th, aka Star Wars Day. So I’m going to just speak from the heart about the tragedy that befell my family thanks to my own selfishness and thoughtlessness. Beware, for this could happen to you, too!

A year ago, I wrote a piece about how my daughter had recently discovered and become enamored with Star Wars, or at least the six films we had at that time. I fixated, yes I chose that word correctly, on her love of the franchise and how I felt vindicated in raising this amazing little mini-me. I spoke longingly of that which once was and my hopes of what might be. All of this happened over half a year before the new film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, came to theaters near us all. I wrote how I respected creator George Lucas for his vision, if not for his revisions. I did all of this before I saw the new film. The new film that Disney created.

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Star Wars Day: Fun With BladeBuilders Lightsabers
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Star Wars Day May the 4th package

Greetings, and Happy Star Wars Day to you all.

Over the years, “May the 4th” has taken on a life of its own. What began as a pun on the famous Star Wars quote “May The Force be with you,” has now become a global holiday that has spilled over into non-geek sectors. Every major retailer is offering deals in honor of this observance, and even people who aren’t mega-fans of the franchise were on social media bright and early this morning to wish others a “Happy Star Wars Day.”

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Star Wars Day: ‘Hamilton’ Creator Performs ‘Jabba Flow’ With J.J. Abrams
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cantina song

It’s May 4, otherwise known to Jedi, Sith Lords, Bounty Hunters, and Younglings as Star Wars Day, aka “May the 4th.” Of course many of us are sharing our favorite Star Wars moments and photos on social media, but there is one video that getting fans of both the iconic film franchise and those of the musical hit Hamilton (which was just nominated for a record-breaking 16 Tony Awards) all a buzz. A new video has just surfaced showing Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda sharing his love of all things Star Wars by performing with J.J. Abrams “Jabba Flow,” the cantina song that he wrote for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Check out the video here below.

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May The 4th: When The 1976 Comic-Con Teased The First ‘Star Wars’
Stoogeypedia   |  

Star Wars Mark Hamill

Since today, May the 4th, marks the annual celebration of that film in the galaxy far, far away known to the billions of generations as Star Wars, I thought it would be fun to go back to 1976, the year right before the film was released when filming was still underway and a generation of science-fiction fans were being teased with elements and characters from the upcoming space opera, most notably at that year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

The SDCC that everyone knows today circa 2016 was nothing like what it was four decades ago. There was no social media; there was no hint of that kind of anticipatory buzz that comes with each upcoming Con as the New Year bell tolls; cosplay was a term that was non-existent in those days, as well as even trying to get licensed or unlicensed for that matter favorite character paraphernalia to dress up in. You wanted a Spidey mask to wear? You best ask your mom to ask your grandmother to knit one out of itchy yarn. The things that Comic-Con goers take and see as gospel in today’s climate was light years away, unheard of, in 1976.

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Star Wars Day: These ARE The Droids You’re Looking For
Olympus Athens   |  @   |  

Star Wars Return of the Jedi: May the 4th Darth Vader

The truth: I was having trouble coming up with a Star Wars Day “May the Fourth” feature that would be just as good or better than what I wrote last year. I had more time then, I do a lot of reviews now, and my brain wasn’t working. Luckily, I ran into my friends Brad and Christine who provided me with an idea. Based on the passion with which they spoke about it, it seemed like something worth talking about, especially since “Hans shot first” is obviously out of the way. The question?

Why doesn’t Darth Vader or Obi-Wan acknowledge C-3PO (or R2-D2), when the former built Threepio as a child and hung around a lot with R2, and the latter spent so much time with them?

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