Defiance is a multi-platform science fiction venture from SyFy, presenting a shared world through a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) and a television series created by Rockne S. O’Bannon (Farscape), Kevin Murphy (Caprica), and Michael Taylor (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). First airing in the spring of 2013 on SyFy, Defiance is set in 2046 and tells the tale of humanity’s struggle to adapt to a new world in which multiple alien races now inhabit Earth. When Joshua Nolan (Grant Bowler) and his adopted daughter Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) settle in the town of Defiance — what used to be St. Louis — tensions between all races quickly begin to rise.
At New York Comic-Con this past weekend, Bowler, Leonidas, Jaime Murray (Stahma Tarr), Julie Benz (Mayor Amanda Rosewater), and producer Michael Nankin sat down with Geeks of Doom among other media outlets and shed some light onto the new season of Defiance which will begin airing in 2014.
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