Comic Spotlight: Charlie Brown Hardcover
Charlie Brown Hardcover
Written by Charles M. Schulz, Jason Cooper, Jeff Dyer, Bob Scott, Justin Thompson, Vicki Scott, Shane Houghton
Art by Charles M. Schulz, Vicki Scott, Paige Braddock, Scott Jeralds, Justin Thompson, Mona Koth, Andy Hirsh, Matt Whitlock
Colors by Nina Taylor Kester, Lisa Moore, Art Roche, Donna Almendrala
Letters by Steve Wands, Alexis E. Fajardo, Donna Almendrala
Cover by Charles M. Schulz, with design by Kara Leopard
KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios
Release Date: April 4, 2018
Cover Price: $14.99
I can never resist anything Peanuts related, so when KaBOOM! sent out a list that included Charlie Brown Hardcover it was fated that I at least bring it to your attention.
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Tags: Alexis E. Fajardo, Andy Hirsh, Art Roche, Bob Scott, BOOM!, BOOM! Studios, Charles M. Schulz, Charles Schulz, Charlie Brown, Donna Almendrala, Jason Cooper, Jeff Dyer, Justin Thompson, Kaboom!, Kara Leopard, Lisa Moore, Matt Whitlock, Mona Koth, Nina Taylor Kester, Paige Braddock, Peanuts, Scott Jeralds, Shane Houghton, Steve Wands, Vicki Scott
Comic Review: Descender #1
Descender #1
Written by Jeff Lemire
Illustrated by Dustin Nguyen
Lettered by Steve Wands
Cover by Dustin Nguyen
Image Comics
Release Date: March 4, 2015
Cover Price: $2.99
I took a break from my usual horror reads this week to dip into a bit of sci-fi with Descender #1 by Jeff Lemire from Image Comics. I have absolutely no regrets for that decision.
First of all, take a good, close look at that cover. See that? Yep, that’s watercolor and pencil, and it isn’t just on the cover — it makes up every single page of this book.
Real watercolor and pencil.
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Comic Review: Monomyth #2
Monomyth #2
Written by Siike Donnelly
Art by Eric Ninaltowski
Colors by PeeJay Catacutan, Teo Gonzalez
Letters by Steve Wands
OSSM Comics
Release Date: August 27, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99
It seems like just yesterday I was reviewing the premier issue of this three-issue miniseries. Tempus fugit, right? But I am quite happy to be able to write up Mononmyth #2 for your reading pleasure. And where I thought that some pieces to the story were missing in the previous comic, this issue fills in a lot of the blanks. Spare me a few minutes and I’ll tell you all about it.
This issue begins further back than last time, back to time where we witness the archangel Uriel conversing with an unknown scribe. Unlike a common mortal scribe, however, this one’s transcriptions can be brought to life. And the consequences thereof are soon to be an issue, though it is not yet revealed in what way. I will say that once the scribe is identified, the reader is much more aware of the situation and the dangers inherent in his abilities.
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Comic Review: Monomyth #1
Monomyth #1
Written by Siike Donnelly
Art by Eric Ninaltowski
Colors by PJ Catacutan
Letters by Steve Wands
Cover by Eric Ninaltowski
OSSM Comics
Release Date: July 23, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99
Ever wonder what would happen if you took one of the oldest stories around and turned it on its side? That’s exactly what Monomyth #1 is doing to the story of Adam and Eve. Changing key parts of a story to deliver an entirely different outcome is nothing new. There’s even a genre called alternative history just for that sort of thing. But taking a fundamentally Christian tale and altering it? That’s something you don’t see too often.
Beginning with the War in Heaven is a fitting way to start this comic, mostly since the fallen angels are the ones long believed to have precipitated the fall of man. However, this version of the war turns out slightly different and the bad guy in this story isn’t the one you might expect. Ever wonder what might have changed if Eve had not bitten from the forbidden fruit? What if the first couple had not been banished from Eden? All of these questions are answered to help build the foundation of what is to be the Monomyth storyline.
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Preview ‘Thaniel #2’ From OSSM Comics
OSSM Comics is gearing up for the April 9th launch of Thaniel, a new 4-issue miniseries by writer Omar Spahi and artist Terry Huddleston.
The miniseries centers on Thaniel, who grew up on the streets facing harsh realities, but he was also born with a mysterious power that he struggles to control. He’s lost everyone he loves and wonders if they’re all gone because of him.
OSSM has released a 6-page preview from Thaniel #2, which you can check out here below, along with the official solicitation. This second issue comes out on April 23, 2014.
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