| MTV Movie Awards Trailers For ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘Twilight,’ ‘Scott Pilgrim’ & ‘Last Airbender’![space]() |
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In case you had not heard, the 2010 MTV Movie Awards aired last night. And in case you actually cared, they sucked as they have for the past five years or so… give or take and all that.
The problem with the awards is that they went from being cool to aiming at pre-teen kids as their audience far too much. Not only that, but then actually letting them vote, which leads to the most preposterous things you could possibly think of even nominating going on to take home the popcorn trophy and embarrassing true movie fans everywhere. Even so, each year usually brings at least one or two things worth mentioning, and some exciting new trailers to check out. This year, the big world premiere trailers shown were for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, The Last Airbender, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. If you’re excited about that last trailer, then you probably actually loved this year’s MTV Movie Awards, but because we try to love all of our readers as equally as possible, we wanted to show them all off. Click on over to the other side to check out all the trailers for yourself.
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| Two New Posters Released For M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Last Airbender’![The Last Airbender The Last Airbender]()
Paramount Pictures has released two new posters for M. Night Shyamalan‘s new soon-to-be-released feature film, The Last Airbender. The movie is an adaptation of the animated Nickelodeon kids-aimed series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which tells the story of a boy with special abilities who runs away when he is told he is the next Avatar. 100-years later he is found frozen in an iceberg, right when he is most needed to help his world and his people stop the evil Fire Lord Ozai from destroying his fellow nations in search of ultimate power. Conjure up your own natural element of choice (I like water; you can have a water balloon fight without all that messy latex) and continue on over to the other side to check out the new posters!
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| Watch Now: New Trailer For M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Last Airbender’![The Last Airbender The Last Airbender]()
A brand new trailer for M. Night Shyamalan‘s animated TV series adaptation, The Last Airbender, has been released by Paramount, and you can watch it below right now! The movie is an adaptation of the Nickelodeon kid’s show Avatar: The Last Airbender (changed due to…you know, that other movie that found moderate success) in which a boy named Aang is declared the next Avatar, who can control all of the different elements such as fire and water. In a world in which there are four different nations who each control one element, this makes him…unique, to say the least. Fearing the responsibility, he flees but ends up frozen in a glacier. One hundred years later, he is discovered frozen and revived in order to fight the evil Fire Lord of the Fire Nation. Defrost yourself, grab a towel, and head over to the bottom of the page to peek at the new trailer for The Last Airbender!
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| Watch Now: ‘The Last Airbender’ TrailerBy Seaberry A new trailer has been released for The Last Airbender.
Check it out here below. As I was watching the trailer, I saw several scenes from the first episode of the animated series. They got the clothing and the overall feel of the film exactly right, even the effects when Aang uses his power. It was also cool to see Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire in action. The music and visuals give the trailer a truly epic feel. It looks as though M. Night Shyamalan and the rest of the crew “get” the story and the world that these characters inhabit. It looks like it is going to be a fun, wild ride. Check out the trailer below courtesy of our friends at Fused Film, and let us know what your thoughts. What do you think of the new trailer? Do you think the film will do the animated series justice?
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| In Case You Missed Them: The 2010 Super Bowl Commercial Movie Spots![space]() |
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![Super Bowl Super Bowl]()
Tonight was the big game, and to sum things up, booze and gumbo be flowin’ strong in the French Quarters of New Orleans tonight. The obvious big draw of the Super Bowl is the game itself, but right behind that it the unveiling of some of the best commercials you’ll see. Recent years have been an incredible disappointment for the advertisement industries, and it has seemed like very few companies have anyone working for them with fresh and funny ideas. So would this year be the year when commercials rose back to their former glory, or would failure loom once again? The short answer is no, no there was not any glory. The majority of this year’s commercials, like recent years, were utter garbage, and that’s just sad and honest truth. The only real bright spots of the year came from the always-popular Bud Lite ads, and Doritos made a strong showing themselves. There were a couple of decent ones scattered around in between these, but that’s about all there is to it. You can head over to SPIKE to check out all of the commercials! Click on over for more, including videos of all of the movie and video game spots that aired!
...continue reading » Tags: Alice in Wonderland, Dantes Inferno, Indianapolis Colts, M. Night Shyamalan, New Orleans Saints, Prince of Persia, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Robin Hood, Shutter Island, Super Bowl, The Last Airbender, The Wolfman, Trailers | |
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