The documentary Overnight is a film that follows Troy Duffy, a former bartender who became an overnight Hollywood sensation when his script The Boondock Saints caught everyone’s eyes and delivered him a deal with Harvey Weinstein and Miramax Films, and a $15 Million budget to make his movie. Film makers Tony Montana and Mark Brian Smith followed Duffy and his friends and family as they reached the highest of highs with the movie deal and a music deal, and then lost them both as Troy seemingly refused to kiss the system’s feet.
The movie painted the man in an interesting light. As you can plainly tell, a large amount of people flat-out decided that he was an ass and that they hated him based solely on this movie, and something never felt quite right about it. Because of that, I’ve personally always been interested to hear what Troy himself thought about it all, and now we know thanks to an interview that he did with /Film‘s David Chen.
Click over for direct quotes from Troy Duffy as well as the the studio and film makers behind the documentary.
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