Howdy breathers. Your old & rotten pal Obvious Zombie here, and have I got a meaty treat for you GoD readers! Get this. One of you meat sacks went and created a ZOMBIE-themed Tarot deck called The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead. Maybe things have changed since my brain turned into gray goo, but from what I remember Tarot decks are used to tell the future. Yes? No? Maybe so?
Being the kindly monstrosity that you all know I am, I’m going to save you some time. Look deeply into my crystal baaaaall. I see you & I together. We’re out. For a nice bit of lunch, it seems. Hrmmm. Your future…it’s hazy. Wait. Oh, silly me. I see it now. We’re not *at* lunch. You *are* my lunch… Ha! I kid the living! But seriously though. That’ll be $50.
I’m sorry. I seem to go off message a lot ever since that dude in Walmart took a Louisville to my left lobe. DON’T WORRY! We were just playing a round of Catch You, Eat You. Contest. CONTEST! Right. We’ve got us a pretty special contest right here. Not only are we Geeks of Doom giving away FIVE copies of The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead, but one Grand Prize winner will be getting their own personal tarot reading (via tele) from the author. All made possible by the quirky kooky zany crew at Quirk Books.
One (1) Grand Prize winners will receive:
- One (1) Zombie Tarot Set
- One (1) Personalized Tarot reading by the author via phone*
Four (4) First Prize winners will receive:
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