Wade Wilson’s War #1 (of 4)
Written by: Duane Swierczynski
Art by: Jason Pearson
Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 9, 2010
Well Deadpool fans, here is another treat for you, a Marvel Knights miniseries. In Deadpool Wade Wilson’s War we are thrown head first into an ongoing Senate trial where Deadpool is testifying what led to a massacre killing hundreds. The story set up is quite interesting since you already pretty much know the outcome, which leads me to believe there is going to be some sort of twist.
Duane Swierczynski definitely understands how to utilize Deadpool to his strengths which leads to comedy gold. I really love that he narrates the flashbacks and the people in them can hear him doing it and are weirded out by it. He even tells them he is doing it for a Senate hearing that won’t even happen until their mission is over. I definitely enjoyed the cast of characters Swierczynski uses in this story from Bullseye to SIlver Sable to Domino, they are all highly enjoyable.
The best thing is the combination of the cartoonish over-the-top story done so well by Swierczynski and Jason Pearson‘s great art work. Pearson’s stylistic characterization of each person just intensifies the off-the-wall, over-the-top action just the way it needs to. It also really helps that Paul Mounts does such a great job coloring the issue. The issue is just knock-down drag-out fun and I am definitely continuing with this series.
If you are a fan of Deadpool, I definitely recommend picking this up. This is especially good advice now that the Merc With A Mouth series is going to be ending soon. I really hope everyone loves this series as much as I did. I give Deadpool: Wade Wilson’s War #1 a 4 out of 5.
To be honest I was a little thrown off by this with you know the ending in all with them being the way they are(dont want to spoil)yeah can explain that please
Comment by Eliteayon62 — August 15, 2011 @ 2:48 am