Oh happy day, it’s been “officialized”… Will Smith is in for a prequel to the incredibly inexplicable success that was I Am Legend with director Francis Lawrence. D.B. Weiss is the man currently working on the screenplay.
Naturally a sequel without the Fresh Prince was out of the question, so the prequel will follow Smith as Robert Neville when everything was still normal and then the transition to a virus-destroyed humanity.
Considering the movie made over $500 million worldwide, this will surely excite the masses. I kinda-sorta hated the movie, so I’m not one of those people. It had so much potential, but it was so severely mishandled by the director that it was hard to watch. Looking at the fact that he’ll also be doing the prequel, this means certain disaster from my point of view.
[Source: /Film]
I read an online article that said the original ‘I am Legend’ story was that Will Smiths character had in fact kidnapped the Vampire looking guys Girlfriend or daughter and after the mutated peoples reclaimed her from him the simply left him alone to realise that he was more of a monster than they ever could have been… now that would be the better tale to have told.
Comment by Tone — September 27, 2008 @ 2:49 am
I think this is a horrible movie idea. The first one wasn’t even that good, expecially with the cheesy special effects. I hope Will Smith changes his mind and goes off in a different direction.
Comment by seahawk — September 27, 2008 @ 11:54 am
well tone, thats wrong as well
Comment by mo — September 28, 2008 @ 1:07 pm
You’ve got the general jist of the original story and it is this key point from the book that the movie completely missed. The whole reason the story is called ‘I Am Legend’ is because Robert Neville was to the Vampires as they are to us. We see a vampire as something scary, to be avoided, which, if we run into will most likely kill us, so we attempt to exterminate them. Eventually when Robert Neville is the last remaining human, the role reversal takes place and he becomes the monster, the legend. I won’t ruin how the book ends for you but it ends in a much more satisfying way, where the film just bottled it and went for the ‘hollywood ending’. In short: read the book instead.
Comment by IdesOfMarch — October 1, 2008 @ 5:38 am
IdesofMacrh hit the nail on the head. The movie completely misses the point. Go out and read teh freaking book. A nd pick up hell House and Stir of Echoes while you’re at it. these movie adaptations of good books usually suc (though Echoes was okay)
Comment by Brad C DMD — August 29, 2009 @ 10:40 am