Fans of the Fox animated comedy Family Guy were treated to a sneak peek of the next Star Wars parody episode, based on The Empire Strikes back, which is titled Something, Something, Something Dark Side.
We got to see about 10 minutes’ worth of the episode, and from the footage shown, fans of the show will be quite happy. All the humor that made the first Star Wars-themed episode a success was back on display. Show creator Seth MacFarlane said that the episode should be on around Christmas. They also revealed the title for the Return of the Jedi episode, which will be called We Have a Bad Feeling about This. Characters from all the Seth MacFarlane shows (Family Guy, American Dad, and the new Cleveland Show) will appear in the Jedi-themed episode. They didn’t say when that episode would air, but did said that work was beginning on it, and I would expect it to air next year.
One episode discussed for the next season was a show dealing with abortion that Fox has said they will not air. McFarlane did not seem upset with Fox’s decision on this, saying that they wrote the episode and submitted the script to Fox, which allowed them to produce it, but canceled the episode after seeing it. McFarlane said viewers could expect to see it on a future DVD release. It does seem odd that Fox would be okay with the episode at the writing stage, but would not have the guts to air the episode, but who can understand the inner workings of a television network.
Other episodes discussed were one where Peter has an affair with a cardboard cut-out of Kathy Ireland and another where Lois hires Consuela, the maid who worked for Superman in a previous episode. They also said there would be an episode where Chris reveals the evil monkey living in his closet to the rest of the family; one in which Meg goes to jail; one where Brian gets drunk and kills another dog; and then one where Peter Joe and Quagmire search for the source of all the world’s dirty jokes.
During the question and answer portion of the panel, it was revealed that James Woods would make several appearances, including the Empire episode, and they were working on an hour-long episode with Woods that would be in the style of the movie Clue.
The highlight of the panel definitely was seeing the footage from Something, Something, Something Dark Side, which I hope comes out as soon as possible, and should be hilarious once we see the whole thing.
Fox won’t air the abortion episode because FOX works for the Republican Party. I would presume that the episode makes some manner of argument for keeping abortion legal. Family Guy is one of three cartoon gifts to the liberal crowd, along with American Dad and The Simpsons.
Comment by MCS — August 1, 2009 @ 4:18 pm