An interesting bit of news has developed over the course of the day. it was originally spotted in a Twitter post by Production Weekly that stated “James Cameron is developing a Shane Salerno-scripted sci-fi action script for Fox, described as an ‘event’ film set in the future.” After that, /Film remembered an old trade subscriber-only post that announced Fox purchasing a Salerno script that seems to fit the description and went to dig it up. Theoretically, these two connecting forces creates a foundation, possibly setting up Doomsday Protocol as a future Cameron project.
The 2008 trade post went a little something like this:
In a seven-figure deal, Fox has picked up Doomsday Protocol, an original spec by Shane Salerno. Plot details are being kept under wraps, but it is known to be an epic science fiction adventure in the vein of The Seven Samurai involving a group of aliens and humans with various abilities who are brought together to save Earth.
No word on whether Cameron is just helping to bring this potential film along and produce it, or if he’s going to actually step in and direct it when all is greenlit. It’s especially odd looking at the pairing. We all know what Cameron has done, but Salerno doesn’t have the most beloved resume that includes Aliens vs Predator: Requiem, Ghost Rider, Armageddon, and Shaft.
Whether Cameron does this or not, I’m one who hopes that it’s not his next project. With Avatar right around the corner, he doesn’t need to do another alien/science fiction movies. No, no — if he’s doing anything, it should be the True Lies sequel we’ve heard rumors of and all want desperately.
NOTE: Forgive the Hellboy II image; it was the closest thing I could find to what I imagine an alien samurai looking like.
[Source: via THR]
Cameron needs to take a look at the anime, Samurai 7. It’s a very faithful adaptation of the original film that simply broadens the story and gives the bandits huge mech suits (Cameron likes mechs).
Comment by Slipstream — December 10, 2009 @ 2:58 pm