Last night was the very first episode in the final season of our beloved LOST. As excited as we were for the show to be back, it was also somewhat depressing because all know that this beginning means the end is now near. It’s hard to think another show will ever come near what LOST is doing, so in a way, we could be witnessing the death of truly great TV.
Thankfully, this is still just the first episode and we have a good chunk left before the sadness really sets in. So before we reach that ultimate sadness we faced with Battlestar Galactica once again, shall we have ourselves a chit-chat about went down last night?
As we stated in our LOST Season 5 finale discussion, there will be some spoiler action going on here, so if you’re not yet caught up — even by one episode — do not read on. For the rest of you, click over for more and to share your theories on what road this final season is heading down!
The episode began as we would naturally expect the show to begin: by unloading a new batch of questions on us. At first it looked like the super-plan to drop the hydrogen bomb did in fact work, and that everyone was back on their way to L.A., with the curious addition of Desmond. Then, to make things really interesting, we’re back on the island and the only thing that the bomb accomplished was getting them back to the future (present) where everyone else was, which was part of many of our predictions. They’ve done time travel, so are we in a parallel universe situation now, or is one all a dream?
The other big storyline that began was the battle between good and evil that is about unfold. This started when Jacob came to Hurley (who is apparently really Haley Joel Osment) and told him to bring the fatally-wounded Sayid to the temple to be healed. When they arrived, they met the OTHER others, which includes awesome Samurai guy from The Last Samurai (Hiroyuki Sanada), twitchy hotel clerk from Identity (John Hawkes). When these equally-extreme-but-somewhat-protective Others discover the demise of Jacob, they go into red alert mode.
While all of this is unfolding, the Man in Black as John Locke is getting things prepared as Ben sits in shock, and for the first time, it looks like he has no idea what do or say next. After Locke throws down some Smoke Monster vengeance, he beats up Richard, makes mention of his “chains” and sets off toward the temple. It looks like some insanity will probably break out when he gets there, but it was the creepy admittance that he only wants to go “home” that really has us intrigued.
That’s the recap. To be honest, so much happened that I don’t even know where to begin or what to think, so I offer the floor to you the readers. Share your thoughts, your theories, your stretches. Claim your throne as the one to figure out what will happen by the end of the season!
only thing intriguing me at the moment is if Jack’s dad’s coffin.
a) if wasn’t on the plane when it landed, then it was never there in the first place, so who’s coffin was it that he found back in i think it was season 2 but it was empty & he just thought it was his dad’s?
b) and also if the coffin was never on the plane why didn’t this subject come up during season 4 when they were doing all the flash forwards of the Oceanic 6 trying to live their lives? wouldn’t the Oceanic people be like “Hey Mr Shepard, glad you’re alive, btw your dad’s body is still in Australia wanna come pick that up one of these days?”
Comment by Dax — February 3, 2010 @ 8:04 pm
yeah but Desmond was on the plane when he was supposed to be down the hatch on the island pushing some buttons and Hurly is the luckiest guy ever. A parallel universe wouldn’t be fun if it weren’t different.
Comment by Luke — February 3, 2010 @ 8:45 pm
It seems to me that the biggest difference from one reality to the next is fate vs. free will. Let’s say (in the alternate reality) the bomb sinks the island and kills Jacob. This changes a lot more in the survivors’ lives than just flight 815. We now know (in the original reality) Jacob has been guiding the survivors to the island. But now, even without Jacob’s influence (in theory), they all still found themselves together on that plane (minus Christian, but with Desmond). And they have all started making choices that seem to be bringing them together all over again. Kate’s in the cab with Claire. Jack and Locke have met and will meet again I’m sure. Sawyer will no doubt try to find a way to rob Hugo blind. I don’t know if I’m just reading stuff into it. I mean, we’re one episode into this new reality. It could go anywhere. Also, about Jacob and the “Man in Black”. There are clearly rules about how they can interact with eachother. Who created those rules? Also, neither of them have “old-fashioned” haircuts. Could that mean they’re from the future/present? Could that mean we might see the series end with Jack and Sawyer (or Jack and Locke) sitting at the foot of the statue watching the Black Rock sailing towards the island?
Comment by Brian Q — February 3, 2010 @ 9:48 pm
The blast that ended Season 5 altered everything from THAT point (which was 1977). Thus creating a reality alternate to the one we have been watching. So the events you mentioned don’t end up happening as they did the first time around.
Comment by The Rub — February 3, 2010 @ 10:38 pm
oooohhh, ok, that actually makes sense :)
Comment by Dax — February 3, 2010 @ 11:06 pm
Regarding the whole Desmond on the plane thing, I’m sure other people have noticed this, but Charlie goes to the bathroom and is dying, but Jack swoops in and saves his life. Charlie tells Jack that he was supposed to die. And when Jack returns to his seat Desmond is gone. Charlie drowned on the island to save Desmond’s life, therefore, in this alternate timeline if Charlie lives Desmond can’t be there.
Just an idea.
I loved the season opener, but it just gave us more and more questions that will HOPEFULLY get answered before the end of the series.
Comment by Sara — February 4, 2010 @ 10:28 pm
so we have to different realities and team Darlton have said in the lost podcast that the two realities will be reconciled at some point this season. Could it be that the characters that Jacob touched in the 5th season finale are the only ones who are aware of their alternate selves. When Jack was on the plane in the beginnning of Season 6 he seems like he is almost expecting the plane to crash but it doesnt. Also, their alternate reality selves seem to mirror what we already know about these characters and the struggles they went through in the first season. Should be a great season, cant wait till the next episode.
Comment by N.I. tram — February 5, 2010 @ 10:54 am