A super-duper-awesome new video has hit the web with a vengeance, and it’s from French director Patrick Jean and Paris visual effects studio One More Productions.
The short film is called Pixels, and it basically shows many different classic arcade games taking over New York City. You’ll see Space Invaders space crafts shooting vehicles below, Tetris blocks interlocking with buildings, Pac-Man eating his way through the subway, Donkey Kong tossing barrels from the top of the Empire State Building, and more.
Dust off your Atari and click on over to the other side to witness Pixels immediately! This is an absolutely can’t-miss video from anyone who’s danced with the godfathers of video game history.
Even cooler — when these video games take something out as they would in their respective games, that object becomes pixelated itself, and breaks down into many little pieces (kinda like those Skittles commercials, but with pixels!).
As cool as this video is, I’m not sure I would enjoy experiencing this chaos. Those Tetris blocks are freakin’ vicious, man.
PIXELS by Patrick Jean from ONE MORE on Vimeo.
Geekaliciously cool!
Comment by Beth — April 10, 2010 @ 9:15 pm